収益源を最大化するためのソフトウェア プラットフォームの支払いオーケストレーションの戦略的統合

収益源を最大化するためのソフトウェア プラットフォームの支払いオーケストレーションの戦略的統合

ソースノード: 3084732

現代のビジネスのダイナミックな環境において、成功の鍵はソフトウェア ソリューションの適応性にあります。統合された決済機能に対する需要の高まりは、ソフトウェア会社にとって収益性向上への道を切り開く大きなチャンスとなります。 

However, becoming a Payment Service Provider (PSP) requires navigating complex financial regulations and undergoing a comprehensive overhaul of business processes. The process is not only prolonged and financially demanding but also subjects software platforms
to the same rigorous scrutiny as banks.  

Payment orchestration – a cutting edge technology – allows software platforms to activate and deactivate different payment functions on demand. This includes tailor-made adjustments by country, product, issuer, and beyond. This provides a strategic advantage
for software platforms and circumvents the high costs associated with maintaining multiple payment integrations. 

隠された宝石 – 支払いオーケストレーションを通じて可能性を解き放つ 


To put this simply, picture an orchestra. Much like the many musicians playing a specific instrument, each company will have a payment provider carrying out different parts of the payment process. The same way a conductor brings an orchestra together, a
payment orchestration platform consolidates all the payment use cases, capabilities and geographies into a single platform.

これにより、ほとんどの企業が支払いプロセスをレベルアップする際に直面する課題である技術的負債が解決されます。 2 ~ 3 つの支払いゲートウェイを使用する企業は、フィンテック開発者の専門チームを雇わなければならないため、オーバーヘッドが増加します。

By consolidating all the payment needs under one hood, businesses have more control over their payment stack. They also have the flexibility to customise their payments process to reduce inefficiencies. By routing transactions through a global network of
banks, businesses can drive down cross-border fees, foreign exchange rates and increase authorisation rates.


決定の背景: ソフトウェア プラットフォームが決済を販売する理由

Nearly half of software platforms (48%) are outperforming their rivals by turning to one of the use cases of payment orchestration – embedded payments. This is where non-financial companies like software platforms integrate and embed payments into their
product. And the trend has exploded in popularity for two reasons: demand and diversification.

Since businesses are becoming increasingly married to their software, there’s a demand for everything from CRM to payments to happen under one hood. It’s why we’ve seen SaaS platforms like Toast and Shopify see the success they have. Businesses using these
platforms don’t need to switch between different platforms or start a whole new business implementation – that ease of use and integrated data is what’s driving this tipping point.

For software platforms themselves, it’s about the diversification element. With the software industry becoming crowded, many are using payments as a way to diversify from subscription fees and add-on services. Rather than solely generating revenue from software
subscriptions, these platforms now monetize each transaction – earning a slice of every payment facilitated through their software.

There’s a very tangible Return on Investment (ROI) too. SaaS firms can see up to a 5x increase in value per client by embedding payments into their core product. This is why platforms like Shopify have seen tremendous growth. By embedding payments they’re
able to create mutual incentive for them and the businesses they serve – shared profit. This is a win-win as customer businesses can drive a higher volume of transactions, and improve loyalty, while their end users benefit from a seamless payment experience.


ソフトウェア プラットフォームがこれらの有利なメリットを活用するには、自らが決済サービス プロバイダー (PSP) になるか、グローバルな決済オーケストレーション プラットフォームと提携するかの 2 つのルートがあります。

It’s a lengthy and costly process to become a PSP, with over half of platforms citing that it took them longer than a year. Not only this, but there’s a higher risk of technical debt if you’re a global platform, and need massive compliance requirements to
help with underwriting and risk processes.

Since payment orchestration reduces the strain on resources and financial risk, forward-thinking firms prefer to turn to the experts. And, because it’s not a “one size fits all” approach, software companies can tailor their payments infrastructure to their
business – depending on their global markets, product, issuer and more.

ドイツだけの顧客に SEPA を提供したいですか?終わり。フランスでの新しいソフトウェア アップデートに対する不正行為の規制を強化したいですか?支払いオーケストレーション プラットフォームがそれを実現します。拡張する前に、既存の市場に支払いだけを組み込みたいですか?問題ない。

この種の柔軟性により、ソフトウェア リーダーの 89% が、登録支払いファシリテーターや PSP になるのではなく、支払い専門家と協力することを選択するようになりました。

ROI の管理: 単に経費を削減するだけではありません

新しいテクノロジーへの投資は、企業にとって多大な出費であると認識されることがよくあります。ただし、真の投資収益率 (ROI) は単なるコスト削減を超えています。 

When evaluating the shift from old technology to new, it’s crucial for businesses to assess whether it enhances operational efficiency, opens up new or improves existing revenue streams, and aids compliance with evolving regulations. These factors are pivotal
in determining whether a new technology investment will yield a positive ROI. 

支払いオーケストレーションはすべての項目にチェックを入れます。セクター固有のソフトウェア プラットフォームの台頭は、既存の企業と新規参入者の両方が、時代の先を行きながら競争力を維持するための戦略的手段として支払いオーケストレーションに注目している理由を浮き彫りにしています。


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