

ソースノード: 2890974

WASHINGTON — The Defense Department moved to establish eight regional microelectronics hubs in seven states across the U.S., aimed at helping spur manufacturing innovation to bolster the domestic semiconductor industrial base.

Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks told reporters during a Sept. 20 Pentagon briefing the awards total $238 million with each innovation hub receiving between $15 million and $40 million to establish initial operations.

XNUMX つのハブの本拠地は次のとおりです。

  • New York, led by the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute;
  • Arizona, led by Arizona State University;
  • North Carolina, led by North Carolina State University;
  • Indiana, led by the Applied Research Institute;
  • Ohio, led by the Midwest Microelectronics Consortium;
  • 南カリフォルニア大学が主導する南カリフォルニア。
  • Northern California, led by Stanford and the University of California Berkley; and
  • マサチューセッツ州、マサチューセッツ技術協力社が主導。

“The regional hubs will spur economic growth, not just locally, but more broadly,” Hicks said. “The hubs will help ensure we have the talent pool needed to stay ahead, through education pipelines and retraining initiatives. And it’s part of how DoD is reducing our reliance on foreign components, keeping us safe from the risks of supply chain disruption.”

過去 30 年間で、米国は世界のマイクロチップ供給量の 37% から約 12% まで生産しました。現在、台湾は世界の先端半導体供給の大部分を生産しており、中国はマイクロチップの大部分を米国に輸出している。これらのチップ 携帯電話から自動車まであらゆるものに電力を供給 F-35戦闘機まで。

help address domestic microelectronics supply chain vulnerabilities, Congress last year passed the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors, or CHIPS ACT, providing $52 billion to fund semiconductor workforce improvement efforts, research and development and manufacturing through 2026.

The Defense Department received $2 billion in CHIPS Act funding, which it is using to establish the commons. The department expects to spend about $400 million annually through 2026 to equip the hubs and execute various technology projects focused in six areas: electronic warfare, quantum, security at the edge, internet of things, 5G and 6G and dual-use capabilities.

The Pentagon envisions the Microelectronics Commons as a 学術機関、中小企業、研究機関の全国ネットワーク 協力して、マイクロエレクトロニクス技術プロジェクトを研究室からプロトタイピングと大規模生産へと推し進めます。

The network will be made up of “cores,” or chip foundries, that provide access to prototyping and help reduce technology integration risk. The innovation hubs announced this week will help connect research projects to those regional foundries.


“The projects that come through will be a mix of very near term and slightly longer term,” the official told reporters in a Sept. 19 briefing. “The outcome of a successful project will be something that can be taken to scale in a U.S. based foundry.”

Courtney Albon は、C4ISRNET の宇宙および新興技術のレポーターです。 彼女は 2012 年から空軍と宇宙軍を中心に米軍を取材してきました。 彼女は、国防総省の最も重要な買収、予算、および政策上の課題のいくつかについて報告しています。


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