200. 洞察: ビットコインの未来

200. 洞察: ビットコインの未来

ソースノード: 2971570


私たちは、この分野の人々が何を構築しているのか、そして最終的には、おそらく暗号通貨で最も重要な資産である BTC を中心に、より多くのユーティリティを生み出すにはどうすればよいのかを詳しく見ていきます。

Bitcoin is one of the most important and secure blockchains and assets, but the challenge with transacting BTC has always been its scalability, high cost and slow speed when transacting. Lightning Network is a layer-2 built on top of Bitcoin that enables users to send BTC quickly and cheaply by moving transactions off of the main blockchain. We’ll discuss some exciting news surrounding Lightning Network and the main use cases we’ve seen, many of which are efforts to bring BTC to the mainstream as an asset you can transact with.


  • Outlier Ventures のリサーチ責任者、Jasper De Maere 氏
  • Sveinn Valfells 氏、Monerium 共同創設者兼 CEO

このエピソードは Visa が後援しています。

This episode is brought to you by Visa, one of the world’s leaders in digital payments. Crypto has opened up a new world of possibilities, and Visa’s helping everyone take part. Consumers now can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of using their Visa crypto-linked cards for everyday purchases at millions of Visa-accepting merchant locations around the world. Join us in this new money movement; learn more [visa.com/crypto](visa.com/crypto).

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特別ゲスト: ジャスパー・デ・メーアとスヴェイン・ヴァルフェルズ。


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