Reigns: Three Kingdoms in uscita su Switch

Reigns: Three Kingdoms in uscita su Switch

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On social media today, it was announced that Reigns: Three Kingdoms will be made available on Interruttore. It’s currently lined up for early 2024.

Reigns has seen a few entries in the series, including its original release, Her Majesty, and Game of Thrones. The latest title features more strategy gameplay with its card-based swiping mechanic and a new take on  Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Ecco alcune informazioni aggiuntive:

Inspired by the beloved Chinese epic “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” this game thrusts players into the turbulent final years of the Han dynasty. Players will encounter the many factions, wars, and heroes of the saga as they swipe through to make high-stakes decisions, team up with the right army at the right time, gain power, and more.

Scopri nuovi modi per goderti l'esclusiva meccanica di scorrimento delle carte di questo franchise mentre scopri i tanti segreti di una vasta trama, implementi la strategia in battaglie a turni e affronti una serie di minigiochi inaspettati.

Caratteristiche principali

  • Vivi una narrazione unica raccontata incontrando un'ampia varietà di personaggi e scenari.
  • Play dozens of quests with specific arcs, heroes to recruit, people to wed, and children to raise.
  • Recluta nuovi eroi per combattere al tuo fianco in nuove battaglie di carte a turni.
  • Costruisci la tua dinastia e osserva i tuoi progressi politici.
  • Per la prima volta, porta le tue reclute in battaglia contro altri giocatori in battaglie di carte classificate online.

For a look at Reigns: Three Kingdoms in action, check out the trailer below.

Official Trailer

[Contenuto incorporato]

You’ll be able to pick up the game on Switch next year when it hits the eShop.


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