La nuova demo AI indossabile di Humane è selvaggia #WearableWednesday

La nuova demo AI indossabile di Humane è selvaggia #WearableWednesday

Nodo di origine: 2641993

[Contenuto incorporato]

Former Apple designer Imran Chaudhri is working on a new type of computer. Humane is pitched in this TED talk as a computer beyond screens (or a “disappearing computer”). Part wearable, part VR, part AR, and part AI; it could be the future of computers. La Verge goes over some the details, they also have a healthy bit of skepticism.

The device appears to be a small black puck that slips into your breast pocket, with a camera, projector, and speaker sticking out the top. Throughout the 13-minute presentation, Chaudhri walks through a handful of use cases for Humane’s gadget

Leggi di più il Verge and see the ted talk

The disappearing computer — and a world where you can take AI everywhere

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