Bagi para atlet dunia, COP26 bukanlah permainan

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Atlet dan komunitas olahraga yang lebih luas biasanya tidak banyak hadir di konferensi iklim global sebelumnya. Itu akan berubah pada COP26, berlangsung bulan depan di Glasgow, Skotlandia.

Grafik Manifesto Komunitas Olahraga COP26, yang ditandatangani oleh lebih dari 200 atlet, organisasi olahraga, dan pemimpin mereka secara global, akan dipresentasikan di hadapan para penguasa di konferensi tersebut. Inisiatif akar rumput — — akan menjadi tuan rumah berbagai kegiatan dan seminar di Glasgow selama konferensi.

Game on.

Atlet Ramah Lingkungan, the nonprofit I launched last year to “inspire and coach athletes to lead climate action,” created the manifesto to give members of the global sports community, especially those who won’t be in Glasgow or have a voice at the COP. Here are the voices of four EcoAthletes Champions who explain why they endorsed it.

Atlet dan komunitas olahraga yang lebih luas biasanya tidak banyak hadir di konferensi iklim global sebelumnya. Hal ini akan berubah pada COP26.

“The climate problems we’re dealing with are getting worse and worse, so hopefully athletes can be part of the solutions,” said Milwaukee Brewers pitcher Brent Suter. “I see the manifesto as a way for the sports community to show the delegates at the COP that we expect them to take the critical steps toward climate action now.”

“It’s not enough for us to merely support things like ‘reusable straws’ anymore,” said Sadey Rodriguez, pelempar cakram Universitas Virginia dan salah satu pendiri Atletik Hijau, a UVA student-athlete organization. “It’s time to go big. Since I am privileged enough to have an athlete’s platform, I am happy to use it to urge the leaders of the COP to take real climate action to help people who don’t have a voice.”

Rodriguez membagikan Manifesto tersebut kepada pelajar-atlet UVA lainnya di acara keberlanjutan — hingga saat ini, 18 orang telah menandatanganinya.

“Its first line — ‘Anthropogenic climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced’ — really grabbed them. And then they started signing up.”

“Two years ago, Team USA traveled to Qatar for a tournament, and we played a game outside, and we needed to walk about a mile to get to the venue,” recalled Napheesa Collier, penyerang tim bola basket Minnesota Lynx, Rookie of the Year WNBA 2019 dan Peraih Medali Emas Olimpiade 2020 untuk Tim AS.

“It was so blazing hot, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. And I generally like the heat, but this was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. This was not normal. So, I started learning about climate change and instantly became concerned about its harmful impacts now and in the future. This led me to learn more about it, and then I got even more concerned. So, that’s when I decided to act. One of my first climate actions was endorsing the Manifesto.”

Akhirnya, ada Joe Cook of the Glamorgan Cricket Club, Wales. “I studied climate change and the environment within my degree,” he explained. “And I did my dissertation on how climate change will affect cricket. Our sport is certainly being impacted by extreme weather such as flooding, and that weather is being exacerbated by climate change. That’s why I loved the solutions-focused messaging in the Manifesto, and am happy to support it and look forward to seeing the impact it will have at the COP.”

Di luar Manifesto, will provide the sports community with an on-the-ground presence in Glasgow throughout much of the conference, thanks in large part to the efforts of two green-sports leaders: Madeleine “Maddy” Orr, founder of the Sport Ecology Group and an EcoAthletes advisory board member, and Aileen McManamon, founder of 5T Sports.

Per website, athletes and sports executives who make it to Scotland will have the opportunity to “shadow the deliberations of global decision-makers at COP and … gather and engage in interactive sessions to drive climate action in our sector, ensuring continued progress toward carbon reductions and cleaner sport.”

Inti dari , menurut Orr, akan menjadi Hari Aksi pada tanggal 8 November, ketika para atlet profesional dan elit akan berkumpul dalam sesi peer-to-peer selama satu jam mengenai aktivisme atlet untuk perubahan iklim.

“The session will be a closed meeting, exclusive to athletes,” explained Orr. “It offers attendees the opportunity to reflect, ask questions, learn, and network. There will be multiple breakout rooms for athletes to engage in myth-busting and trouble-shooting specific challenges that arise at various stages in an athlete’s advocacy journey. New athlete-advocates may discuss how to get started, whereas a more established athlete-advocate might join a breakout room where they’ll delve into how to respond to haters on DM or the comments section of their social media pages.”

Program Hari Aksi bebas untuk dihadiri, namun membutuhkan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu. Opsi partisipasi virtual juga tersedia.

Lainnya acara-acara tersebut meliputi pertandingan sepak bola yang mendukung Reli Aksi Iklim (7 November); program keberlanjutan Formula E (sirkuit balap roda terbuka all-EV) (9 November); dan acara Yayasan Organisasi Lingkungan Golf (GEO adalah organisasi nirlaba golf berkelanjutan yang berbasis di Skotlandia) (11 November).

Lebih banyak program akan ditambahkan antara sekarang dan dimulainya COP. Periksa dengan situs web untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.


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