
10 Truk Semi Paling Canggih – Otonom, EV & Hidrogen

Node Sumber: 877942

The top 10 most advanced semi trucks show where the trucking industry is headed.  Just like the rest of the world the trucking industry is changing.  Autonomous, electric and hydrogen will all be part of the trucking industry.  Some people are against autonomous trucks.  Whether you are for them or against them they are coming so learn about them.  If you are in the transportation industry major change is coming.

Advanced Semi Truck Research

Semi Truck and Self Driving Quotes

  • “You should not show somebody something very cool and then not do it. At Tesla, any prototype that is shown to customers, the production must be better.” ~Elon Musk
  • “Buruh menyumbang 75% dari biaya pengangkutan pengiriman dengan truk, sehingga pengadopsi dapat mulai menyadari penghematan tersebut. Di luar itu, sementara pengemudi truk dilarang mengemudi lebih dari 11 jam per hari tanpa istirahat delapan jam, truk tanpa pengemudi dapat mengemudi sepanjang hari.” ~Ryan Petersen
  • "Semi listrik Tesla dapat mengubah industri truk dengan cara yang sama seperti iPhone mengubah industri telepon seluler." ~Dave Perairan
  • “My father was a truck driver. That’s where it all started, and academically I was a disaster at school. My cousin got his name on the honor board; I, at Melbourne High School, I carved mine on the desk.” ~Lindsay Rubah
  • “Jika Anda kembali beberapa ratus tahun, apa yang kita anggap remeh hari ini akan tampak seperti keajaiban – dapat berbicara dengan orang-orang dari jarak jauh, untuk mengirimkan gambar, terbang, mengakses sejumlah besar data seperti oracle. Ini semua adalah hal yang dianggap sihir beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu.” ~Elon Musk
  • “Americans fear losing control if they’re forced to ride in autonomous vehicles. These same Americans fly in airplanes every day that largely are flown by computers, and impressively efficient ones at that.”  ~Adam Lashins

Source: https://www.supplychaintoday.com/top-10-most-advanced-semi-trucks-autonomous-ev-hydrogen/

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