Pemrosesan pesanan online selama pandemi

Node Sumber: 748597


This code pattern explains how to build an AI-powered back end system that can take the daily essentials orders through an online mode.

Deskripsi Produk

How do we keep people from hoarding essential items during a pandemic and a lockdown? How can people get essential items through a digital mode?

Today, because of social distancing and other issues it can be risky for some people to shop for essential items in person. This code pattern helps with this issue by giving people an online option to shop for essentials.

In this code pattern, learn how to build an AI-powered back end system that can take the daily essentials orders through an online mode. The system processes the incoming text requests by converting them to formatted orders lists. Then, this system can be connected to the inventory database for optimizing supply chain management. This solution can be applied to various domains, such as ordering medicine and ordering groceries.

Ketika Anda telah menyelesaikan pola kode ini, Anda mengerti bagaimana cara:

  • Preprocess textual data and extract relevant details
  • Use and train Watson Assistant for capturing details
  • Use IBM Db2® for storing the data
  • Deploy the solution on IBM Cloud
  • Enable processing orders and inventory management on a real-time basis


Online ordering during a pandemic flow

  1. Feed the data to the Watson Assistant service.
  2. Convert the text into intents and entities, and enable the conversation.
  3. Extract the order and customer details from the text.
  4. The extracted attributes get stored on Db2 Database on IBM Cloud.
  5. Visualize the order and customer details from the input text on a dashboard.


Dapatkan petunjuk rinci di README file. These steps show you how to:

  1. Klon repositori GitHub.
  2. Set up the Watson Assistant service.
  3. Siapkan IBM Db2.
  4. Tambahkan kredensial ke aplikasi.
  5. Menyebarkan aplikasi ke Cloud Foundry.
  6. Analisis hasilnya.


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