Agregator Data Crypto Nomics Dimatikan - Namun, Alternatif Tetap Aktif

Crypto Data Aggregator Nomics Shut Down – Namun, Alternatif Tetap Aktif

Node Sumber: 2585917

Nomics, salah satu platform agregator data kripto yang lebih terkenal, telah ditutup setelah hampir lima tahun hadir di pasar.

On April 4th, users of the platform were met with a rather shocking revelation – upon visiting the website, they were greeted by a brief message that disclosed penutupan veteran agregasi cryptocurrency.

Teks tersebut menyatakan bahwa Nomics sedang “matahari terbenam efektif hari ini”. The entire message, however, was ominous – the team behind Nomics did not indicate any potential reasoning for why the platform is being shut down.

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Namun di dunia maya, spekulasi merajalela. Beberapa penggemar kripto akan berspekulasi bahwa Nomics ditutup alasan monetisasi gagal, sementara yang lain bahkan mengklaim hal itu pemerintah AS bahkan ada hubungannya dengan hal itu.

The news created uncertainty within the respective communities – understandably so, granted that Nomics was platform tujuan that would pride itself on listing many crypto assets way before the majority of other aggregators – they would also claim to be the “indeks aset kripto terbesar di dunia (lebih dari gabungan CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko)".

This uncertainty was further echoed by a collective understanding that there aren’t many truly reliable, trustworthy crypto data aggregation sources in the industry.

BitDegree, bagaimanapun, akan terus hanya menyediakan layanan bagi pelajar dan pengunjungnya saja paling atas data and fact-checked information, with the help of the variety of tools at its disposal – one of the more notable of which is Pelacak Kripto BitDegree.

Meskipun Nomics dipandang oleh banyak orang sebagai platform agregasi koin dan token kripto terkemuka, pelacak BitDegree bangga akan kemampuannya. sangat ramah pengguna, sekaligus menawarkan segudang fitur tingkat lanjutan, seperti pelacakan Sinyal Sosial, dan bahkan kalkulator halving khusus.

Thus, if you find yourself looking for Nomics alternatives, rest assured – BitDegree is adamant about continuing to spearhead innovation within the industry.

Aaron S. - Peninjau Ahli

by Aaron S. – Expert Reviewer, BitDegree

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