A hadsereg gyalogsági osztag járműveivel kapcsolatos problémák kijavítására irányuló tesztelés véget ért

A hadsereg gyalogsági osztag járműveivel kapcsolatos problémák kijavítására irányuló tesztelés véget ért

Forrás csomópont: 1941576

WASHINGTON — The Army is preparing to make a full-rate production decision this spring on the Gyalogsági osztag járműve after testing the fixes and improvements it made to address prior issues.

In 2020, General Motors nyerte a szerződést to build the ISV, designed for easy transport to operational environments, following developmental testing of three vendors’ submissions. The company is working under a $214.3 million contract to produce 649 vehicles by the end of FY24.

A year ago, the Pentagon’s chief weapons tester slammed the Army’s new General Motors Defense-manufactured ISV in an annual report, citing the troop carrier’s vulnerability and kényelmetlen utazás.

A szolgálat akkoriban a Defense News-nak azt mondta, hogy azon dolgoznak, hogy kijavítsák a kezdeti üzemi tesztelés során felmerült problémákat, többek között azt, hogy az ISV nem teljesítette azt a követelményt, hogy 1,200 átlagos mérföldet tegyen meg a műveleti küldetés meghibásodása között, amit a fegyvertesztelő is jelez. legutóbbi jelentés.

The 2020 and 2021 annual weapons testing report noted additional troubles, including steering problems, bent seat frames, engine cracks and overheating.

According to the 2022 annual report, released last month, the Army began new reliability compliance testing last summer to evaluate its fixes for the issues identified during developmental and operational testing.

The Army’s product director for ground mobility systems at the Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support, John Hufstedler, told Defense News in a statement the new reliability testing wrapped up in January.

Part of that testing included driving the ISV for 5,000 miles over varying terrain and speeds, he said, and the service is evaluating whether the ISV complied with the requirement for meantime between operational mission failure.

The service also conducted evaluation and testing using vehicles with the corrective modifications, in July 2022, to reassess the vehicle’s ability to handle “low velocity airdrop operations and dual rail airdrop operations,” through simulations, which included driving the vehicles 30 miles after dropping across roads and trails, the test report states.

“Based on the results of the simulations, the Army determined that the corrective modifications do not impact airdrop and the ISV was recertified in October 2022,” Hufstedler said.

The Army hasn’t conducted live airdrop testing of the new version of the vehicles, but it has plans to align that with unit training scheduled for November 2023.

Now, the Army said it’s on track to decide in March or April whether to move the ISV into full-rate production.

Jen Judson egy díjnyertes újságíró, aki a Defense News szárazföldi hadviseléséről tudósít. Dolgozott a Politico-nak és az Inside Defense-nek is. Master of Science fokozatot szerzett újságírásból a Boston Egyetemen és Bachelor of Arts fokozatot a Kenyon College-ban.


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