Manipulation de la lumière avec des métamatériaux pour rendre les matériaux transparents (avec vidéo)

Manipulation de la lumière avec des métamatériaux pour rendre les matériaux transparents (avec vidéo)

Nœud source: 2799881
02 août 2023 (Actualités Nanowerk) Des chercheurs de l'Institut des sciences industrielles (IIS) de l'Université de Tokyo mènent un large éventail de recherches, notamment en physique, en chimie et en biologie. Dans ce contexte, DLX Design Lab mène des activités visant à fusionner science, technologie et design. L'une de ces activités est le projet Treasure Hunting, qui vise à informer le grand public sur la valeur et le potentiel de la recherche scientifique. Dans le cadre de ce projet, en 2022-2023, DLX Design Lab a réalisé une vidéo présentant le futur métamatériaux en coopération avec le laboratoire Tatsuma de l'IIS.

[Contenu intégré]

They team explains: At the beginning of the video, we introduce the ‘Future Window’, which would allow people to see outside from their basements. We also show the special particules nanométriques that are necessary to achieve this conceptual product. Next, we introduce technology for easily creating these special particles with light, through work being done in the Tatsuma Lab. In summary, the particles are grown spontaneously by light using a chemical method. A model is used to illustrate how, if special nanoparticles are created and well aligned, they could make it possible to bend light at will. The DLX Design Lab and Tatsuma Lab collaborated to design a roadmap for the realisation of the ‘Future Window’. The first step is to create particles, which must then be arranged in planes and even three-dimensionally. It is predicted that development of the ‘Future Window’ will also derive light absorbent solar panels without reflection and translucent walls and columns that allow only certain colours of light to penetrate. One day, there may be a ‘Future Window’ that transmits full colour and even heat. The ‘Future Window’ will have the same effect as looking directly at what is outside the window, rather than seeing an image as on an LCD or other display. Sunlight shines through and shadows are created. You can look in, and even bask in the sun. While the technology behind this concept is promising, the ‘Future Window’ is still in the realm of science fiction. As this video shows, by drawing a concrete image of the future (even if it is still science fiction) researchers become keenly aware of what they need to do to get closer to that future. DLX Design Lab’s Treasure Hunting Project has so far given form to the various research results produced at IIS, and through exhibitions and workshops has communicated the excitement and potential of science to the general public. However, it is not always easy to give form to research that deals with objects not seen by the human eye such as nanomatériaux and molecules, or research that is far from being applied or realised. Using moving images to visualise the future and express it in a multifaceted and easy-to-understand manner is considered very effective in communicating to the general public about the significance of research that is difficult to give form to immediately. DLX Design Lab will continue to use various forms and means, including these videos, to contribute to communicating the “treasures” of humanity – the results of scientific research – to society.

Qu’est-ce que le Laboratoire de Conception DLX ?

DLX Design Lab est une équipe de conception internationale créée en 2016 au sein de l'Institut des sciences industrielles de l'Université de Tokyo. Notre mission est de « Créer de la valeur grâce au design ». L'objectif du DLX Design Lab est de développer des prototypes innovants de produits et de services grâce à une collaboration étroite entre designers, chercheurs, ingénieurs ou autres disciplines diverses. DLX Design Lab se concentre également sur la diffusion des connaissances et la formation des futurs talents en organisant des cours, des forums, des expositions et des ateliers pour partager des méthodes d'innovation basées sur le design avec le monde universitaire, l'industrie, les agences gouvernementales et le grand public.


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