Polygon Labs tekee yhteistyötä Google Cloudin kanssa edistääkseen ekosysteemin kasvua

Polygon Labs tekee yhteistyötä Google Cloudin kanssa edistääkseen ekosysteemin kasvua

Lähdesolmu: 2613925
  • Polygon Labs has signed a multi-year strategic partnership with Google Cloud.
  • The partnership is expected to accelerate the adoption of core Polygon protocols, including Polygon zkEVM.
  • Polygon said that Google Cloud helps to improve transaction costs and speeds on Polygon zkEVM.

The crypto industry is one of the most promising in the technology world, but there has yet to be a large number of traditional companies moving into the space.

However, some are entering slowly but surely. For example, Polygon Labs has just partnered with Google Cloud to drive the growth of its ecosystem.

Polygon Labs Partners With Google Cloud

Polygon Labs, the developers behind the Ethereum Layer-2 blockchain Monikulmio, announced on Thursday that it has partnered with Google Clouds.

Polygon Labs announced the partnership at Consensus 2023 conference in Austin, Texas. The multi-year strategic partnership aims to accelerate the adoption of core Polygon protocols, including Polygon PoS, Polygon Supernets, and Monikulmio zkEVM, with Google Cloud infrastructure and developer tools.

One of the tech pinot that Google Cloud will bring into the Polygon ecosystem is its Blockchain Node Engine, a fully managed node hosting service, further diversifying cloud services across the Polygon ecosystem.

On top of that, Polygon Labs said that Google Cloud helped to accelerate its zero-knowledge innovation strategy. The company claimed that initial tests to run Polygon zkEVM’s zero-knowledge proofs on Google Cloud resulted in significantly faster and cheaper transactions than the existing setup.

Ryan Wyatt, President at Polygon Labs, said that the new partnership with Google Cloud is a “step in the right direction to help onboard more people into web3.”

"Tämänpäiväisen Google Cloudin ilmoituksen tavoitteena on lisätä transaktioiden läpimenoa mahdollistaen käyttötapaukset pelaamisessa, toimitusketjun hallinnassa ja DeFissä. Tämä tasoittaa tietä entistä useammalle yritykselle omaksua blockchain-teknologiaa Polygonin kautta."

Mitesh Agarwal, Managing Director, Customer Engineering and Web3 Go-to-Market, Asia Pacific at Google Cloud, said the company wants to develop “enterprise-ready Web3 infrastructure” with Polygon.

“Alongside Searce as our implementation partner, we look forward to deepening our collaboration with Polygon Labs to deliver the enterprise-ready Web3 infrastructure and developer-friendly tools that businesses need to offer fast, frictionless, and secure access to dApps for consumers.”


  • The partnership might be considered to increase centralization risk in the crypto industry.

Miksi sinun pitäisi huolehtia

Polygon is one of the most popular blockchains in the industry. Polygon Labs partnering with Google Cloud can have a significant positive impact on crypto adoption around the world.

Read more about Franklin Templeton launching its fund on Polygon:

Franklin Templeton käynnistää 270 miljoonan dollarin rahamarkkinarahaston Polygonissa

Read more about Gary Gensler’s old comments about crypto:

Video vuodelta 2018 osoittaa, että Gary Gensler sanoo, että suurin osa kryptoista ei ole arvopapereita


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