YVR avaldab tegevuskava vastupidavuse parandamiseks, reisijate paremaks toetamiseks suuremate ilmastikunähtuste ajal

YVR avaldab tegevuskava vastupidavuse parandamiseks, reisijate paremaks toetamiseks suuremate ilmastikunähtuste ajal

Allikasõlm: 2590970

April 17, 2023 · Musqueam Territory, BC and Richmond, BC

Comprehensive review identifies 25 actions to strengthen operations and take a leading role in passenger supports amid changed aviation system and increasing extreme weather events.

A $40 million action plan will add new staff, improve training, better leverage technology, increase communication, and invest in additional equipment to keep more aircraft moving and passengers well informed. This plan follows a comprehensive After-Action Review of the December 17-28, 2022 travel disruption at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) as well as direct feedback from over 1,500 passengers and members of the public.

"Kuigi ülevaade kinnitab, et meie ohutuslubadused peeti kinni, näitab see, et meie klienditeeninduse kohustus ei olnud," ütles Vancouveri lennujaama ametiasutuse president ja tegevjuht Tamara Vrooman. "Reisijad ütlesid meile selgelt, et kuigi nad tunnistavad, et lennundus on keerukas ökosüsteem, mis koosneb erinevatest partneritest ja osalejatest, tahavad nad, et YVR võtaks juhtrolli rohkema teabe pakkumisel, eesliinitöötajatele parema juurdepääsu ja muude täiustuste pakkumisel äärmuslike reiside ajal. häireid – see tegevuskava annab meie tegevuskava just selle tegemiseks.

Ülevaade tõstab esile nii reisijate- ja lennukiliikluse muutuvat tegelikkust pärast COVID-i kui ka kliimamuutuste ja äärmuslikumate ilmastikunähtuste mõju. See tekitab täiendavat pinget lennuala teenustele, sealhulgas perroonidele, väravatele ja maapealsele teenindusele. Kuigi need teenused toimivad tavatoimingute ajal hästi, tuleb süsteemid ja protsessid, millele meie lennujaamade kogukond on ajalooliselt tuginenud, muuta vastupidavamaks ja kohandatavamaks sagedasemate ja äärmuslike ilmastikuhäirete jaoks.

Ülevaates välja toodud viis peamist fookusvaldkonda, milles on kokku 25 toetavat tegevust, on järgmised:

  1. Enhance Winter and Irregular Operations – installation of new real-time weather monitoring equipment, new gate protocols to ensure arriving aircraft can deplane passengers within 30 minutes of taxiing off the runway, additional winter weather equipment and de-icing fluid storage capacity to meet the new realities of sustained, extreme weather events.
  2. Enhance Cross-Team Collaboration – Additional information sharing across different airport partners as well as establishing a permanent team from across the Airport Authority and partners to enhance decision-making and improve passenger focus.
  3. Accelerate Investments in Technology and Data – Better prioritization of aircraft on the airfield as well as an improved ability to track delayed baggage through real-time technology and data including a new digital apron monitoring tool.
  4. Enhance In-Terminal Passenger Supports – More staff will be trained to directly support travellers using better, up-to-date information throughout the terminal 24-7. Improved digital communications directly to passengers in the terminal about resources available, including accessibility services.
  5. Enhance Communications to Passengers and Public – YVR will commit to sharing more information more often. We will also make better use of our website and leverage stakeholders, partners, and other organizations to get people the updates they need in a more reliable and consistent way. Regular public reporting on YVR’s on-time performance, baggage performance, security screening times.

“I want to thank our partners, employees, members of the public, and passengers who took the time to participate in this process,” said Vrooman. “We have already started to implement many of these actions and your contributions will help us improve resiliency and better serve travellers and our community into the future.”

Read the final report and action plan: yvr.ca/actionplan


Vancouveri rahvusvaheline lennujaam (YVR) on mitmekesine ülemaailmne sõlmpunkt, mis ühendab inimesi, lasti, andmeid ja ideid ning on platvormiks, kus meie kogukond saab kokku tulla ja areneda. Meid motiveerib regionaalse majandusarengu toetamine ja Briti kolumblaste elu positiivsete muutmine. Teeme seda keskendudes oma reisijate, partnerite, töötajate ja kogukonna teenindamisele digitaalse moderniseerimise, kliimajuhtimise, leppimise ja rahalise jätkusuutlikkuse kaudu.


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