Eceptionist toob turule iseteenindusliku COVID-19 vaktsiinihaldustööriista

Allikasõlm: 878970

Globaalne tervishoid software provider Eceptionist has launched a new web-based solution to help private and public organizations manage COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

Dubbed VaxManager, the software as a service (SAAS) solution alleviates the administrative burden of managing COVID tests, flu shots, and other vaccines when they become available. 

VaxManager incorporates an organization’s COVID guidelines into a test/vaccine request töövoog to automatically screen and prioritize vaccine and test requests, the company said. 

The mobile-friendly platform also includes a self-registration and self-request portal for patients to ensure quick and easy onboarding. Automated appointment reminders, follow-up notifications, and post-testing and post-vaccine information make the software highly reliable and relevant for patients.

Intelligent vaccine-appointment scheduling, automatiseeritud triage and high-risk-group screening, and interoperability with third-party clinical systems are other notable features of this tool.

VaxManager service is open to pharmacies, employers, universities, school districts, churches, and any other groups willing to participate in COVID-19 vaktsiini jagamine to patients and citizens.  

“VaxManager is a SAAS solution for busy immunization clinics. The platform addresses your existing resource constraints with powerful tools for automated screening and prioritization of high-risk populations to more efficiently distribute the Covid-19 vaccine when it becomes available,” Eceptionist said.

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