REL-i aruanne: kohalviibimise toetus kroonilise töölt puudumise vähendamiseks

Allikasõlm: 1875319

September 20, 2021

REL Report: Attendance Supports to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism

The first of five items from the folks at IES that may be relevant to some readers.  Given the state of K-12 education and the remote learning last year, this report may be of particular interest.

Haridusteaduste Instituut

REL-i aruanne: kohalviibimise toetus kroonilise töölt puudumise vähendamiseks

In 2018, Rhode Island’s Providence Public School District (PPSD) implemented a student attendance policy that requires schools to track and address chronic absenteeism. Schools are encouraged to implement attendance supports such as attendance teams, leveraged partnerships, parent engagement specialists, nudge letters, phone calls, text messaging, and mentorship programs.

Uus aruanne REL Kirde ja saared examined the implementation of attendance supports to reduce chronic absenteeism in 39 PPSD schools in 2018/19. The study compared attendance supports between schools in which chronic absenteeism increased between 2017/18 and 2018/19 and schools in which it decreased. The study also looked more closely at how implementation of one support—text messaging to parents and guardians of students—varied across schools.

Uuringus leiti:

Schools in which chronic absenteeism decreased implemented text messaging, phone calls, and mentorship programs with moderate or high fidelity more frequently than schools in which chronic absenteeism increased.

The use of attendance-related text messaging increased more quickly in schools in which chronic absenteeism decreased than in schools in which chronic absenteeism increased, where the use of attendance-related text-messaging remained flat.

PPSD can use the study findings to update its student attendance policy and develop new recommendations for how district schools can use existing resources efficiently to reduce chronic absenteeism. The study also brings new insights to the research base on school use of attendance supports and could be relevant for districts and schools across the country.

Loe aruannet aadressil:

Piirkondlikud hariduslaborid (REL) suurendada õpetajate suutlikkust kasutada andmeid ja uuringuid õpilaste tulemuste parandamiseks. Iga REL vastab oma regioonis tuvastatud vajadustele ning teeb õppimisvõimalused ja muud ressursid haridustöötajatele kättesaadavaks kogu Ameerika Ühendriikides. Programm REL on osa sellest Haridusteaduste Instituut (IES) USA haridusministeeriumis. REL-i töö, sealhulgas sündmuste ja aruannete regulaarsete värskenduste saamiseks järgige IES-i Facebook ja puperdama. Selle või mõne muu REL-töö kohta tagasiside andmiseks saatke e-kiri

Haridusteaduste instituut, mis on osa USA haridusministeeriumist, on riigi juhtiv range ja sõltumatu haridusuuringute, hindamise ja statistika allikas.
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