Kui marihuaana ajakava muudetakse, kas see legaliseeritakse üleriigiliselt? - Meditsiinilise marihuaana programmi ühendus

Kui marihuaana ajakava muudetakse, kas see legaliseeritakse üleriigiliselt? – Meditsiinilise marihuaana programmi ühendus

Allikasõlm: 2909505

(NEXSTAR) - Marihuaana legaliseerimine on viimastel aastatel olnud sagedane aruteluteema, kusjuures paljud osariigid on otsustanud selle ise legaliseerida, selle asemel et oodata, kuni föderaalvalitsus seda teeb. 

But now, federal health officials have recommended reclassifying marijuana, giving some hope that this could be a crucial step toward national legalization. 

Unfortunately, that isn’t exactly what it means. 

Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, meaning the Drug Enforcement Administration considers it without a “currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”

USDA sertifitseeritud orgaanilised tinktuurid ja salvid

However, the Department of Health and Human Services has sent its findings on marijuana to the DEA, reportedly recommending that it be reclassified as a Schedule III drug. That classification means the substance has a “moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence.”

Other Schedule III drugs include ketamine and anabolic steroids. 

While it sounds promising, not much has actually changed for marijuana. It will take some time for the DEA to make any decision on reclassifying weed. And even if it is reclassified, marijuana would still be a controlled substance, subject to federal rules and regulations. 

It also would not immediately be legalized for recreational use on the federal level. Rescheduling marijuana does not…

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