Cannacurio #75: kui palju pood maksab? | Cannabizi meedia

Cannacurio #75: kui palju pood maksab? | Cannabizi meedia

Allikasõlm: 2738185

Olge esimene, kes teab, kui uus selline sisu saadaval on!

Liituge meie uudiskirjaga, et saada teateid uute postituste, kohalike uudiste ja valdkonna kohta.

Last year we published a post about which MSO’s bought or built their stores and for this week’s analysis we wanted to explore the prices paid for purchased locations. To do this we researched the 600+ M&A transactions we have compiled in our Cannabiz Business Intelligence offering and removed any stores that were part of a deal where other license types were also sold. That left 170 stores sold in sixteen states. We included both closed and announced deals but ignored those deals that were cancelled. 

  • Pennsylvania led the nation with the highest price paid for stores in store-only deals
  • 2021 was the biggest year for these transactions with 46% of the 170 changing hands
  • 2021 was also the year with the highest price point at $13.46 million
  • California led the country with 22 of these transactions, with Pennsylvania right behind at 21

We found deals ranging in price from $36.77M down to $216K. Here are the top 12 prices paid, along with the date and state:

To no one’s surprise, all of those deals happened between 2019 and 2021 when capital was available. Here are the store deals by year and average price paid in that year:

California, Pennsylvania and Colorado were at the top of the leaderboard with Maryland and Ohio not too far behind.  

And here are the average prices paid in those sixteen states. Not surprising there is a wide range of prices owing to different market dynamics as well as different points in time when these acquisitions occurred.

This post looks at 170 select transactions where only retailers/dispensaries were involved in the transaction. This was done to allow us to see the price point for these types of businesses, without having to back out manufacturing and cultivation asset prices. 2021 was the high point in terms of the number of stores sold and the price point. Numbers dropped in 2022 and 2023 looks like it might match 2022 in terms of deals. The price in 2023 is up $1.2 million but that is likely impacted by the states where the deals have been done.

Ed Keating on Cannabiz Media kaasasutaja ja jälgib ettevõtte andmete uurimist ja valitsussuhetega seotud jõupingutusi. Ta on oma karjääri veetnud teabeettevõtetega töötades ja nende nõustamisel vastavuse valdkonnas. Ed on juhtinud tooteid, turundust ja müüki, jälgides samal ajal keerulisi mitut jurisdiktsiooni hõlmavaid tootesarju väärtpaberi-, ettevõtete, UCC-, ohutus-, keskkonna- ja inimressursside turgudel.  

Cannabiz Medias naudib Ed väljakutset töötada koos reguleerivate asutustega üle kogu maailma, kuna tema ja ta meeskond koguvad ettevõtte-, finants- ja litsentsiteavet, et jälgida kanepimajandusega seotud inimesi, tooteid ja ettevõtteid.  

Ed on lõpetanud Hamiltoni kolledži ja saanud MBA kraadi Northwesterni ülikooli Kelloggi koolist.

Cannabiz Media kliendid saavad nende ja muude uute litsentsidega kursis olla meie uudiskirjade, hoiatuste ja aruannete moodulite kaudu. Telli meie uudiskiri et saada need iganädalased aruanded teie postkasti. Või saate ajakava demo lisateabe saamiseks selle kohta, kuidas ise pääseda juurde Cannabizi meedialitsentsi andmebaasile, et nendesse andmetesse süveneda.

Cannacurio on Cannabiz Media iganädalane veerg, mis sisaldab teadmisi kõige põhjalikumalt litsentsiandmete platvormilt. Vaadake Cannacurio postitusi ja taskuhäälingusaateid uusimate värskenduste ja teabe saamiseks.


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