10 sujuvalt kasulikku näpunäidet meditsiinilise marihuaana esmakordseks tarbimiseks New Yorgis

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For the first-timer, choosing meditsiiniline marihuaana New Yorgis could be very confusing. There is a long list of flowers, concentrates, edibles, CBD õli, tinctures, and many other products available on the market. That said, some cannabis flowers induce uplifting ‘high’, mellow good moods, etc, while others can be a bit more intense. So, without a doctor’s recommendation and marijuana card, you might end purchasing the wrong strain. In the worst case, you end up experiencing a ‘couch-lock.

What is a medical marijuana card? 

Meditsiiniline marihuaana kaart

A medical marijuana card is similar to an identification card, but it is state-approved. The only difference is that MMJ enables you as a patient to get, possess, and cultivate cannabis flowers for medicinal purposes. Typically, a MMJ is valid for a year and you can renew it with a small fee. You might first want to check the status of using cannabis in your state.

Applicable Medical Conditions For Medical Marijuana In New York 

  • Krooniline valu 
  • Põletikuline jämesoole haigus
  • Parkinsoni tõbi
  • Äge valu juhtimine 
  • Amüotroofiline lateraalskleroos
  • Hulgiskleroosi 
  • Epilepsia
  • Neuropaatiad
  • Opioid Substitution
  • PTSD

Tips On Consuming Medical Marijuana In New York 

So, your medical marijuana card has arrived. It’s time to know more about how to make the best out of it. 

Research! Research! Research! 

Once you have a card, you become eligible to access an array of strains. Luckily, most of the time doctors will help you pick a cannabis flower that is suitable for your medical conditions. You can always learn more about different categories. For example, you can search about the THC ratio, CBD level, terpenes, etc. This way you could find the best strain for yourself. Leverage the internet, these resources will help you gain insights into the effects induced by cannabis flowers

Measure Your Expectations 

Unlike any other medicine, cannabis works differently. You can use cannabis flower to treat medical conditions, healing, and to ease symptoms. Sometimes patients set ‘correct intentions’ first and then take cannabis like in ceremonies. While others learn about cannabinoids present in the cannabis flower. You can choose from Sativa and hybrid flowers. Even you can choose from Indica flowers; you can narrow your options easily once you know what you need from the cannabis flower.  Mostly, knowing about flowers helps in preparing a mindset and in most cases that guide patients towards healing and gaining more benefits. 

Methods Of Consumption 

As discussed earlier, a plethora of alternative ways are there for consuming cannabis flower. That said, choosing a method of consumption is as important as selecting the ‘right cannabis strain’.

Couple of methods for cannabis consumption are:-


One of the primary ways to use medical marijuana is by rolling it into smoke. It’s a classic, inexpensive option. Although, it’s probably not the best options for a longer run and for people with respiratory problems.


Another easy option of consuming marijuana is by using vapes. Vaping has attracted millions of consumers over the past couple of years. It’s discreet and fashionable, however, it is one pricey option. 


CBD edibles are a go-to option, especially for patients with respiratory problems. The effects induced by edible food are powerful and long lasting. CBD söödavad are progressively making their way to the mainstream. 


Cannabis topicals are available in forms of lotions and creams. They have zero psychoactive compounds and deliver pleasing results. However, if you suffer from anxiety and depression, then consider a different option

Uurige ja katsetage 

There is no hard rule for choosing cannabis. You can select among hundreds of potent stains. It’s likely that after the first use, next time you go for another strain. You can try palju tooteid before you settle down with one that suits you. One of the best ways is to find out ‘that one strain’ is by maintaining a journal listing. You can scribe down the positive and negative effects of each strain. 

Selecting A Dosage 

Here are some general recommendations on using medical marijuana in New York, especially for the first-timers.

  • Follow the best policy, start a small dosage and notice how it affects your mood, health, emotions and everyday life. Once you gain confidence, you can increase the daily intake. 
  • Increase your dosage wisely. If you want to experience effects right here and right now, remember to wait a couple of days before changing your optimal dose. 
  • Consider choosing another brand before increasing the dosage

Don’t Share Your Stash

Not sharing your stash might sound counterintuitive to many people. But distributing medical marijuana or selling it is a punishable offense. Medical marijuana cardholders can use it to make a purchase for personal treatments only. There are reported incidents where medical marijuana users hang out and talk about what similar problem other people are going through. For others, it might be a way to explore new strains, but this kind of socializing among patients might include sharing of cannabis, it’s against the rules and regulations

Sets And Settings 

Cannabis pioneers like ‘Terence McKenna’ have gone to lengths and breadths of consuming cannabis in the right sets and settings. Here the ‘sets’ means mindset and ‘setting’ is your physical surroundings. Your first few experiences can go unexpectedly strong and disorienting. So, take your time and find an environment where you’ll be sure about your safety and relaxation. For a start, you can turn up soft background music, get away from clutter, avoid any stressful situation and clear your agenda for the evening. 

See ületab liiga 

Eventually, you will experience slight anxiety or panic, especially when you consume too much. In such cases stay calm, remind yourself that effects are temporary and it will pass. That said, not all strains make you feel bad. Just avoid the same stain in the future, go for another one; there are plenty. In the worst case, go for a cold water bath and call on a medical marijuana helpline number. 

Hoidke see privaatsena 

Even if you are a regular consumer, ensure to only consume marijuana in the privacy of your home. It’s best to smoke indoors since it’s comfortable and you know the place (setting). Try to avoid consuming marijuana in public. Not only is it illegal to consume marijuana in public areas, seeing too many people at once could overwhelm you. So, stick to indoors and avoid drawing any unwanted attention. 

Ask More Questions 

The cannabis industry is changing faster than ever before in history. It means that for most of us it can be very hard to keep up with the twist and turns. There are new strains on the market almost every week, and even laws change. Don’t be shy to ask questions, as it will help you develop your experience. More than anything else, learn about how marijuana acts once inside the body, what are the expected effects, etc.

Seotud: Erinevad kanepikontsentraatide tarbimise viisid

Thoughts For Foods 

In the end, best practice, you must apply for an online medical card to consume cannabis. Medical marijuana in New York contains a wide range of options and for the first few times, it could be challenging, especially when you have to choose one. Also, not all medical marijuana strains are alike. Even within the same strain, the intensity of cannabinoids will vary. Find an online CBD store and compare from a wide variety of products. Furthermore, you can always choose from different methods to consume marijuana. 

Source: https://www.nymedicalcard.com/blog/10-seamlessly-helpful-tips-on-consuming-medical-marijuana-in-new-york-for-first-time/


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