Una reunión con Latif Peracha, socio general M13

Una reunión con Latif Peracha, socio general M13

Nodo de origen: 2013915

Welcome back to another podcast episode! I'm excited about today's interview! Join me as I interview Latif Peracha, General Partner of M13. You don't want to miss this interview.

Latif Peracha is a General Partner at M13, a leading early-stage venture capital firm with $900M of AUM deploying its third fund ($400M) in enabling technologies that power the future of consumer behavior. Latif manages the overall investment strategy for M13 and leads the Web3 and fintech strategy for the firm which includes investments in Rho, Lightning Labs, Solana, Nori, and Delphia among many other companies and networks. The broader M13 portfolio includes Lyft, Daily Harvest, and Ring.

M13 is an early-stage consumer technology fund focused on investing in enabling technologies that power the future of money, work, health, and commerce. This includes web3, which we believe is a horizontal technology that permeates across these four vertical areas. We invest at the Seed, Series A, and Series B stages and support our companies through our propulsion platform across the key functions of brand, data, people, and operations.

Sin más preámbulos, ¡vamos al grano!

Check out the M13 website: https://m13.co/

Notas completas del espectáculo en: https://newtocrypto.io/podcast/latif-peracha-m13/


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