Fecha de lanzamiento oculta y lo que necesita saber

Fecha de lanzamiento oculta y lo que necesita saber

Nodo de origen: 3067838

Aquí encontrará todo lo que necesita saber sobre la fecha de lanzamiento de Enshrouded y qué más necesita saber sobre el próximo juego de supervivencia del desarrollador de Portal Knights.

Enshrouded, el nuevo juego de supervivencia de las mentes brillantes detrás de Portal Knights y Sacred 3 pronto se lanzará en acceso anticipado. Desde su revelación, ha sido aclamado como la próxima gran novedad en el género de supervivencia de mundo abierto y apunta a estar a la altura de titanes como Valheim y V Rising.

We’ll have everything in and around its release and the latest info on the title ahead of its launch. And we’ll have even more once we start into Early Access.

[Contenido incrustado]

Fecha de lanzamiento envuelta

Enshrouded launches into Early Access on January 24, 2024, on PC. There is no official time yet but keep an eye on Keen Games’ social media or official Discord server for more information. There’s no timeline yet for the Early Access, but we’ll keep you posted.

Plataformas envueltas

Enshrouded is currently planned to be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. As previously mentioned, the Early Access period will kick off with the PC version with console releases planned for later. Whether they’re made available during the Early Access or not is still up in the air.

Pase de juego envuelto

Enshrouded no se lanzará en Game Pass en el futuro previsible. Como siempre, esto todavía está sujeto a cambios. Game Pass ha presentado títulos en acceso anticipado anteriormente.

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Imagen: Juegos Keen

Jugabilidad envuelta

Enshrouded pretende ser un juego de rol de acción, creación y supervivencia en un gigantesco mundo abierto de vóxeles. Esto significa que casi todo lo que ves se puede manipular de alguna forma, desde talar árboles hasta construir lo que tu corazón desee.

From what we’ve seen so far it also features an impressive building system that allows you to build towns and cities alone or with friends. The game features co-op with up to 16 players at the same time. This means you can create a fully functional warband that tackles the various challenges of the land and work together and or independently from each other to achieve your goals.

El juego también presenta un completo sistema de combate de acción en tercera persona con esquivas, paradas y ataques sigilosos en varios estilos de juego. Puedes ser un caballero de brillante armadura o un apuesto pícaro que elimina enemigos desde lejos.

Great about it is a skill and gear system that allows you to create whatever character you desire. There are no set classes and the right equipment that can either be found or crafted can further augment your abilities. Freedom of choice seems to be at the heart of Enshrouded’s gameplay loop.

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Imagen: Juegos Keen

The fallen realm of Embervale features all kinds of biomes from mythical forests beset by ancient creatures to abandoned castles and villages ripe for the picking. It’s up to you and your trusty band of companions to explore these lands, slay its beasts, and conquer its various challenges to figure out the secret behind the Shroud and lift its curse.

This comes courtesy of Keen Games, the German independent studio behind the sandbox action RPG Portal Knights which already featured many of the ideas we’ll now see in Enshrouded. So if you have any lingering doubts about the team’s ability to deliver, make sure to check out their previous work or jump into the Early Access once it becomes available on January 24, 2024, on PC.

For more on Enshrouded, stay tuned here on ESTNN als we’ll have guides and more once the game is out. In other gaming news, we also have everything you could ever Quiero saber sobre el próximo Palworld y nuestra comparación entre The Last of Us Part 2 versus la próxima PlayStation 5 Remaster.

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