Cómo alinear el marketing de contenidos SaaS y la gestión de productos

Cómo alinear el marketing de contenidos SaaS y la gestión de productos

Nodo de origen: 3056722

Close-The-Success-Gap-Book.pngYou’ve seen the studies – companies that retain customers grow bigger and faster than companies focused solely on customer acquisition. You can fill your funnel to the brim, but if your onboarding process acts like a leaky sieve, you’ll never have enough revenue to build and grow sustainably.

The good news? You have everything you need, right now, to create a sustainable system for acquiring and retaining your ideal customers.

It’s not a magic formula. It’s just two people: Your content marketer and your product manager. Working together.

We hear you. We understand every objection rattling off in your head about the crazy – COMPLETELY CRACKERS! – notion that content marketers could actually help your product development department:

  • Do better work, more efficiently 
  • Be less distracted by support tickets
  • Align behind a single, shining vision of your ideal customer
  • Produce products, features, and updates that result in retention and growth
  • And have more fun

These are wild claims to be sure, so allow us to present you with a 3-part paper that will show you how your content creators and product developers can join forces to build the kind of business you’ve envisioned all along: A business with the right products, successful customers, and zero limits.  

Get a Whole New Way to Look at
Content & Product Dev Here

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We will not waste your time with fluff,

just because we think a papel de 10 páginas sounds better than a papel de 4 páginas.

We will only make recommendations founded on facts, figures, and our own experiences.

We will make you laugh, make you feel inspired, and give you immediately actionable ideas.

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