Jugadores de la LCS a seguir en el Spring Split de 2024

Jugadores de la LCS a seguir en el Spring Split de 2024

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¿Qué jugadores estás más emocionado de ver en este próximo Spring Split?

El Spring Split de la LCS 2024 está a la vuelta de la esquina, el sábado 20 de enero, para ser exactos. Y con esta nueva temporada llega una nueva oportunidad para que los jugadores dejen su huella en la historia de la LCS. ESTNN está aquí para destacar a algunos jugadores de la LCS a los que hay que prestar atención en este próximo Spring Split. Ya sea un novato destacado que busca hacerse un nombre o un veterano que espera retroceder en el tiempo, lo tenemos cubierto.

jojopyun c9

It wouldn’t be fair to start with any player other than the hottest commodity coming out of the 2024 free agency. Joseph Joon “Jojopyun” Pyun was the star signing made by Cloud9 during the offseason as they looked to reclaim their spot as the best team in North America. Despite being the best player in the league, there is an expectation for jojo to elevate himself and Cloud9 to new heights. Despite the turmoil surrounding the Evil Geniuses organization, jojopyun grew in strength as he redefined how he played the game and became more of a shot-caller for his team. Given the caliber of teammates he had at his disposal during the Summer Split, it was on Jojo to pull Evil Geniuses up the standings, within touching distance of a spot at the World Championship. And while Jojo will not have to do as much heavy lifting on Cloud9, the level he showcased in 2023 has to remain if he wants to be in future conversations for the greatest of all-time title.

Francotirador 100T

Rayan “Sniper” Shoura finalmente hará su debut en la LCS este fin de semana cuando se enfrente al que posiblemente sea el mejor top laner de la LCS de todos los tiempos en Impact. No es que altere a Sniper, quien se refirió al veterano como "lavado" en una entrevista reciente con el creador de contenido de LCS, David Szajnuk. Sniper tendrá mucho trabajo por delante, eso es seguro, pero la joven estrella ya está demostrando el nivel de confianza necesario para ser una de las mejores estrellas de la liga. Este movimiento ha tardado mucho en llegar a 100 Thieves y Sniper. 100 Thieves eligió por primera vez al top laner norteamericano en 2021 a los 14 años, lo que es un territorio sin precedentes para una organización de la LCS.

The last time we saw Sniper play was at the start of 2023 during the NACL Spring Split. This is due to 100 Thieves pulling out of the tier two scene but retaining Sniper, who was bound to get his opportunity sooner rather than later. Where Sniper will need the most work is his laning phase, which ranked near the bottom in most statistics during the Spring Split, according to Oracle’s Elixir. That being said, if you are good enough, you are old enough, and Sniper deserves his opportunity to grow into a star player, but the fans must be patient with him.


The second NACL debutant on this list is Fahad “Massu” Abdulmalek. Unlike Sniper, relative expectations are being set on this young man’s shoulders ahead of the 2024 Spring Split. Massu is one of the hottest prospects of NACL, and it was no surprise to see FlyQuest instantly promote Massu over another ADC. Despite FlyQuest Challengers’ shortcomings in the playoffs, Massu during the regular season and in the playoffs. Massu shone the most during the laning phase, with the young rookie appearing near the top on most laning statistics. Massu isn’t afraid to demand resources, as he has proven he can carry his team to victory when given the ball. During his time with Evil Geniuses, Kacper “Inspired” Słoma has showcased that he is more than happy to allow the young stars to flourish and will not put pressure on his shoulders to carry them.

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