Λίστα Meta Tier Overwatch 2021 May: Any Comp Will Do

Κόμβος πηγής: 838464

Is this what the perfect meta feels like? Right now in ranked, it feels like any comp can compete and have some amount of success. The map actually dictates what characters are strong, and players can really feel like their choice in any composition can make a difference. There are still a few moments where a team will lose based on a sub-optimal team setup, but overall it certainly feels like any comp is possible.

The only unfortunate part of the meta is that there are still key heroes that have to be played based on the team. If the team wants to play rush, one of the supports has to play Baptiste. If the team wants to play double bubble, the Zarya player has to really pull their weight to get the most out of each barrier. In the past teams could get away with someone playing a little lackluster on certain heroes, but in the current state of ranked it’s important to play a bit more as a cohesive unit.

[Previous Tier List: April 2021]

Tier 1: Optimal Heroes with High Win Rates and Synergy

  • Προδρόμου
  • Echo
  • Λούτσος
  • McCree
  • Μάιος
  • Reinhardt
  • Zarya

No changes here since last month’s meta tier list. Reinhardt Rush is still the composition of choice for a large majority of players. The recent nerfs to Reinhardt definitely hurt aggressive main tank players, but overall he’s still a favorite of many. As long as Zarya is in a good spot, Reinhardt is never truly out of the meta.

Baptiste is one of the most divisive characters in the current state of Overwatch. Some players want even more nerfs to Immortality Field, while others want it completely gone. His Amplification Matrix allows for tons of cool moments, but it is incredibly oppressive when the ally team doesn’t have one. Baptiste does it all, and for the time being he’s just the best support in the game.

Tier 2: Good Alternatives to Tier 1 and Still Viable Overall
  • Ana
  • Άσχα
  • Brigitte
  • D.Va
  • Junkrat
  • Έλεος
  • Moira
  • Orisa
  • Torbjorn
  • κλήρωση
  • Winston
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Ζενιάτα

This just may be the longest list Tier 2 has ever seen when it comes meta tier lists. So many heroes have the opportunity to excel in this meta thanks to their strengths on certain maps. Characters like Junkrat and Orisa find a ton of success on Control maps. D.Va and Winston dominate maps with plenty of high ground. Even Ana and Brig have their moments of greatness to counter those Dive compositions.

Joining the list this month is Zenyatta. Discord Orb is one of the most important abilities to have when it comes to stopping threats like Wrecking Ball or a fully-charged Zarya. Harmony Orb on the other hand allows the friendly Tracer to go wild in the enemy back line. Zen just does everything for a Dive composition, he can even be the character who opens up the fight with a well-timed volley.

Tier 3: Good Situational Picks but Less Strong Overall

  • Doomfist
  • Genji
  • Hanzo
  • Pharah
  • Θεριστής
  • Sigma
  • Στρατιώτης: 76
  • Συμμετρία

Each character in the third tier has the potential to be equally as strong as any hero in the tier above, they just need a little extra care to find success. Genji and Doomfist in particular need several teammates to care for them in order to find value in their neutral game. Doomfist fits a bit better in the current meta with his ability to knock out targets out of Immortality Field, but given the space Genji can be quite devastating.

Sigma is an interesting character for ranked. He has high damage output and great self-sustain, and if left unchecking on an off-angle he creates incredible amounts of pressure. The problem comes from coordination with the team. Sigma is a great target for Rush comps because his mobility is truly bad. Once his shield goes on cooldown, Mei can easily freeze Sigma for an opening pick. Positioning is important and off-tanks like Zarya and D.Va have an easier time navigating the field of battle.

Tier 4: Difficult to Have Success Within the Current Meta

  • Προπύργιο
  • Οδοκαθαριστής
  • Sombra
  • Widowmaker

There was a time not too long ago where Widowmaker was an integral part to Dive compositions. On certain maps, Widowmaker was actually the most important character on any given team. Times have changed however. Just about everyone knows that the sniper has to be contested, and she happens to always be the first target for a dive. It is extremely difficult to find value with Widowmaker at the moment, so it’s best to leave the sniper on the sidelines.

Bastion and Roadhog aren’t going anywhere any time soon. Their styles of play don’t really fit into the meta, and usually end up just feeding ult charge to the enemy team. They can, and probably will, work some of the time on the ranked ladder but those games will be few and far between.

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Source: https://thegamehaus.com/overwatch/overwatch-2021-may-meta-tier-list-any-comp-will-do/2021/05/04/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=overwatch-2021-may-meta-tier-list-any-comp-will-do

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