OTPPAY - Omni Token Platform for Payments - Ihre Kryptozahlung der nächsten Generation

OTPPAY – Omni-Token-Plattform für Zahlungen – Ihre Krypto-Zahlung der nächsten Generation

Quellknoten: 2018531

"The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.“ - Unbekannt

In today’s episode, I would like to introduce to you a very interesting and original project. OTPPAY.

OTPPAY is Omni Token platform for payments and thrives to bridge the gap between the crypto and fiat. OTPPAY is one stop solution for crypto to fiat payments with integral exchange and volatility stabilizer. Through its innovative matching algorithms, the customer can initiate the retail payments in any listed digital asset and the merchant will be settled in the fiat or preferred digital currency without volatility.

To speak more about OTPPAY, its mission & goals, its core ideology and benefits in investing in this project, the novelty and future investment plans as well as the benefits of using and incorporating blockchain and advanced technology, I have here with me, an intelligent, mastermind and creative person, the CEO and Director of OTPPAY, Mr. Lalithbabu Logeshwarrao.

For more information and updates about OTPPAY, please go to otppay.com Und folge ihnen auf Twitter @otppay.

Lesen Sie sorgfältig, recherchieren Sie selbst, denken Sie klug und treffen Sie die richtige Entscheidung für Ihre Investition!

Die neuesten Nachrichten über die Anpassung des Blockchain- und Kryptomarktes in der MENA-Region und weltweit finden Sie unter cryptonewslebanon.com

Thank you again guys and till the next episode, stay safe, take good care of yourself and remember: Work hard in silence, let your success be the noise.” – Frank Ocean





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