Generativ kunstig intelligens i den offentlige sektor i Storbritannien: En omfattende analyse

Generativ kunstig intelligens i den offentlige sektor i Storbritannien: En omfattende analyse

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The integration of Generative AI (GenAI) into the UK public sector has been significantly accelerating, reshaping how public services operate. A study, titled “Generative AI is already widespread in the Public Sector“, conducted by the Alan Turing Institute, opmåling 938 public service professionals, reveals that 45% were aware of GenAI usage within their area, with 22% actively using it. This trend is seen across various sectors, including healthcare, education, social work, and emergency services. GenAI, easily accessible and often free, stands apart from traditional, top-down technology deployment. It’s driven by ‘street-level bureaucrats’ needs, indicating a significant bottom-up shift in public sector operations​​.

generative AI refererer til kunstig intelligens-systemer, der er i stand til at skabe nyt indhold, såsom tekst, billeder eller data, baseret på specifikke input eller prompter. Disse systemer bruger avancerede algoritmer, ofte baseret på maskinlæringsteknikker som deep learning, til at analysere mønstre, strukturer og relationer i store datasæt. Ved at lære af disse data kan GenAI generere output, der er nye, men alligevel realistiske, der stemmer overens med konteksten og parametrene indstillet af brugeren. GenAI har en bred vifte af applikationer, lige fra udarbejdelse af e-mails og rapporter til oprettelse af undervisningsmateriale og hjælp til beslutningsprocesser. Dens fleksibilitet og brugervenlighed har gjort den tilgængelig for et bredt publikum, herunder fagfolk i forskellige sektorer.

Det er afgørende, at GenAI opererer ved at øge menneskelige evner, automatisere gentagne eller tidskrævende opgaver og øge kreativiteten og produktiviteten i stedet for at erstatte menneskelige input. Som det ses i den offentlige sektor, kan dets vedtagelse i væsentlig grad påvirke den operationelle effektivitet og levering af tjenester, selvom det også rejser spørgsmål om retningslinjer, etisk brug og ansvar.

Healthcare, for instance, has seen predictive analytics and resource allocation systems benefiting from GenAI, while planning and development leverage spatial analysis. Despite these advancements, UK public service productivity grew only by an average of 0.2% annually between 1997 and 2019. GenAI’s widespread deployment could potentially increase productivity, especially considering the high bureaucratic workload in the sector. Research suggests that GenAI can significantly impact productivity, particularly for novice and low-skilled workers​​.

Tidlige 2023-statistikker viste, at 8.2% af globale virksomhedsmedarbejdere brugte ChatGPT, with a higher percentage in the UK. In specific sectors, the Department for Education reported various uses of GenAI by teachers. A Canadian Federal Public Service survey found 11.2% usage for work purposes, highlighting GenAI’s rapid deployment in public services​​.

Despite the UK government’s guidance on GenAI usage, there’s a lack of awareness and clarity among professionals. The guidance focuses on risks like data sensitivity, bias, and misinformation, but also encourages inquisitiveness about new technologies. Sector-specific guidance follows, but the effectiveness and awareness of these remain uncertain​​.

The survey methodology included online data collection via Qualtrics, recruiting participants from key public sector areas. The demographics of respondents were varied, covering a wide range of ages, genders, and professional seniority. The survey focused on understanding GenAI’s adoption, trust, understanding, and concerns in the public sector​​.

Interestingly, GenAI usage surpassed other AI forms in all surveyed professions except emergency services. University and school professionals reported the highest uptake, with lower levels in NHS, emergency services, and social care. GenAI users showed a high trust in AI technology, understanding its operation, and were optimistic about its future role in enhancing productivity. However, clarity on accountability for GenAI outputs remains low. Most respondents were not concerned about AI replacing their jobs and were optimistic about AI improving public services, though they acknowledged the UK’s missed opportunities in AI utilisation​​.

In conclusion, GenAI is making significant inroads in the UK public sector. Its bottom-up adoption suggests enhanced personal agency in its use, meeting diverse professional needs. However, challenges like lack of clear guidelines and responsibility, and varying public attitudes towards AI, hinder its full potential. The public sector’s future with GenAI hinges on balancing these aspects, possibly redefining productivity and bureaucratic efficiency​​.

Billedkilde: Shutterstock


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