Bank of America: Bitcoin er nu 3. mest overfyldte handel efter teknologiaktier og ESG i New Fund Manager Survey

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Bank of America: Tech Aktier og ESG slog Bitcoin i New Fund Managers Most Crowded Trade Survey

Bank of America’s latest global fund manager survey shows that “long bitcoin” is now the third most crowded trade. The most crowded trade is now “long tech stocks,” followed by “long ESG.”

Bank of America’s global fund manager survey for July, published Tuesday, shows that “long bitcoin” has fallen to third place among the most crowded trades. The Global Fund Manager Survey is Bank of America Securities’ monthly report that canvasses the views of approximately 200 institutional, mutual, and hedge fund managers around the world.

The most crowded trade is now “long tech stocks,” followed by “long ESG,” and “long bitcoin.” “Long commodities” has fallen to fourth place from being den mest overfyldte handel sidste måned.

Bank of America: Bitcoin er nu 3. mest overfyldte handel efter teknologiaktier og ESG i New Fund Manager Survey

De adspurgte fondsforvaltere i juli var meget mindre positive med hensyn til vækst, indtjening og inflation sammenlignet med tidligere på året, viser Bank of Americas undersøgelse. Samlet set forventer 74 % af fondsforvalterne stadig, at vækst og inflation er "over trenden."

“Long bitcoin” was the mest overfyldte handel i maj, da "lange teknologiaktier" kom på andenpladsen, efterfulgt af "lang ESG." I juni, “long commodities” overtook “long bitcoin” as the most crowded trade, leaving the cryptocurrency trade in second place. “Long tech stocks” ranked third and “long ESG” fourth at the time.

I mellemtiden har Bank of America etableret et cryptocurrency-forskningshold ifølge bankens interne notat. "Vi er unikt positioneret til at give tankelederskab på grund af vores stærke industriforskningsanalyse, markedsledende globale betalingsplatform og vores blockchain-ekspertise," sagde banken i sidste uge. Bank of America udgav også for nylig en rapport angivelse at digital valuta "kunne booste økonomisk vækst" i udviklingslandene.

What do you think about tech stocks and ESG overtaking bitcoin as the most crowded trades in the new Bank of America survey? Let us know in the comments section below.



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