الموجة الهبوطية DXY (Y) تخترق مستوى 100 دولار!

الموجة الهبوطية DXY (Y) تخترق مستوى 100 دولار!

عقدة المصدر: 2641980

Chart of DXY

درس رئيسي 728 × 90 [بالإنكليزية]

In the long term, the dollar index forms a triple zigzag. This consists of primary sub-waves Ⓦ-Ⓧ-Ⓨ-Ⓧ-Ⓩ. At the moment, the sub-waves Ⓦ-Ⓧ-Ⓨ-Ⓧ look complete. The second intervening wave Ⓧ is a standard zigzag.

Most likely, the price drop in the primary wave Ⓩ will continue in the next coming days. Judging by the internal structure, this wave can take the form of an intermediate double zigzag.

نهاية النموذج الهابط متوقع بالقرب من 96.364. عند هذا المستوى، ستكون الموجة الأساسية Ⓩ عند 76.4% من الموجة Ⓨ.

Chart of DXY

نقترح النظر في سيناريو بديل تتشكل فيه الموجة z على شكل متعرج ثلاثي w-x-y-x-z.

The structure of the wave z is similar to the zigzag Ⓐ-Ⓑ-Ⓒ. In its composition, the first impulse Ⓐ and the correction Ⓑ in the form of an intermediate double zigzag have ended. The entire wave z can end near 114.75, that is, at the maximum of the primary impulse wave Ⓐ.

However, the first target for bulls is the maximum of 105.94, which was marked by the intermediate intervening wave (X).

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