
Understanding India’s Challenges in Safeguarding Against Biopiracy

India is a country with a rich and diverse natural heritage, and as such, it is vulnerable to biopiracy. Biopiracy is the illegal appropriation of biological resources, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, for commercial gain. It is a major threat to India's biodiversity and has the potential to cause significant economic and environmental damage. In this article, we will explore the challenges India faces in safeguarding against biopiracy and what measures are being taken to protect its resources. One of the main challenges India faces in safeguarding against biopiracy

Why Are Younger Female Lawyers Exiting the Malaysian Intellectual Property Practice Despite the Lack of a Glass Ceiling?

The Malaysian legal profession is facing an alarming trend of younger female lawyers exiting the intellectual property practice despite the lack of a glass ceiling. This is a concerning issue for the industry, as the lack of gender diversity in the field could lead to a lack of innovation and creativity in the legal profession.There are a number of factors that could be contributing to this trend. Firstly, the Malaysian legal profession is still largely male-dominated, with women making up only around 25% of the total number of lawyers. This

Why Are Younger Female Lawyers Leaving Despite the Lack of a Glass Ceiling in Malaysian IP Practice?

The legal profession in Malaysia is one that has traditionally been dominated by men. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of female lawyers entering the field. Despite this, there is still a lack of female representation in the intellectual property (IP) practice in Malaysia. This has led to many questions about why younger female lawyers are leaving the profession despite the lack of a glass ceiling in Malaysian IP practice. One of the main reasons why younger female lawyers are leaving the profession is

Why Are Younger Female Lawyers Exiting the Malaysian Intellectual Property Practice Despite Its Lack of a Glass Ceiling?

The Malaysian intellectual property (IP) practice is a highly competitive and lucrative field, yet there is an increasing trend of younger female lawyers exiting the field. This phenomenon has been attributed to a lack of a glass ceiling, yet it is important to understand the underlying reasons why this is occurring. One of the main reasons why younger female lawyers are leaving the Malaysian IP practice is due to the lack of mentorship and support. Many female lawyers find that they are not given the same opportunities for advancement and

NMPA Roundup: A Summary of News for February 2023

February 2023 was an eventful month for the National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA). Here is a roundup of the key news stories from the month. First, the NMPA announced a new partnership with the streaming service Spotify. The two organizations will work together to ensure that songwriters and publishers are fairly compensated for their work. This agreement will help ensure that songwriters and publishers receive a fair share of the revenue generated by streaming services. Second, the NMPA also announced a new initiative to promote diversity in the music industry.

Highlighting FinovateEurope’s Women Leaders on International Women’s Day

International Women's Day is a day to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of women around the world. This year, FinovateEurope is highlighting some of its female leaders in the financial technology industry to honor this special day. FinovateEurope is an annual event that showcases the latest innovations in financial technology. It brings together some of the world’s leading experts in the field to share their insights and experiences. This year, FinovateEurope is proud to feature several women leaders in the financial technology industry. The first woman leader highlighted by FinovateEurope

“Gaining Insight into a Potential Employer: 20+ Essential Interview Questions to Ask”

When it comes to interviewing for a new job, it is important to gain insight into the potential employer. Asking the right questions during an interview can help you determine if the company is the right fit for you and if the job is a good match for your skills and experience. Here are 20+ essential interview questions to ask when interviewing for a new job: 1. What is the company’s mission statement? 2. What is the company culture like? 3. What challenges does the company face? 4. What opportunities

“Gain Insight Into a Potential Employer: 20+ Essential Questions to Ask During an Interview”

When you’re interviewing for a job, it’s important to gain insight into the potential employer. Knowing more about the company and the position can help you decide if it’s the right fit for you. To do this, you should ask questions during the interview. Here are 20+ essential questions to ask during an interview to gain insight into a potential employer. 1. What is the company’s mission statement? 2. What are the company’s core values? 3. How long has the company been in business? 4. What is the company’s track

“Gain Insight into the Job Opportunity: 20+ Essential Interview Questions to Ask”

When you are interviewing for a job, it is important to ask the right questions to gain insight into the opportunity. Asking the right questions can help you determine if the job is the right fit for you and if the company is a good match for your skills and interests. Here are 20+ essential interview questions to ask that will help you gain insight into the job opportunity: 1. What does a typical day look like in this role? 2. What are the primary responsibilities of this position? 3.

Gain Insight into Your Job Opportunity: 20+ Questions to Ask During an Interview

As a job seeker, it is important to gain insight into a potential job opportunity before you commit to it. During an interview, you should ask questions that will help you understand the role, the company, and the team you would be working with. Here are 20+ questions to ask during an interview to gain insight into your job opportunity: 1. What does a typical day in this role look like? 2. What challenges do you anticipate I might face in this role? 3. What do you think sets this

Gain Insight into a Potential Opportunity: 20+ Interview Questions to Ask Before Moving Forward

When considering a potential opportunity, it is important to gain insight into the role and the company. Asking the right questions during an interview can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to move forward. Here are 20+ questions to ask before making a decision: 1. What is the job description? 2. What are the primary responsibilities of this role? 3. What are the qualifications and experience required for this role? 4. What is the company culture like? 5. What kind of training and development opportunities are

“Gain Insight into a Potential Employer: 20+ Essential Questions to Ask in an Interview”

Asking the right questions in a job interview can be the difference between getting an offer and being left behind. Knowing what to ask potential employers can help you gain insight into the company and make sure it’s the right fit for you. Here are 20+ essential questions to ask in an interview to gain insight into a potential employer. 1. What do you like most about working here? 2. What challenges have you faced in this role? 3. How would you describe the company culture? 4. What opportunities for