city council

Timeline of Burnie Court Complex Development to Finalise CBD Location

The Burnie Court Complex is a major development project in the heart of the Burnie CBD. It is set to be a major hub for the city, providing a range of services and amenities for the local community. The project has been in the works for many years, and the timeline of its development is an interesting one. The first step in the development of the Burnie Court Complex was the selection of a site. In 2015, the Burnie City Council chose a site on the corner of Cattley Street

Timeline of Burnie Court Complex Development Reveals Lengthy Process of Securing CBD Location

The Burnie Court Complex in Tasmania, Australia has been a long time in the making. The process of securing the CBD location for the complex began in the early 1990s and has been a lengthy journey. This timeline of development reveals the various stages of the process and how it has evolved over the years. 1990s: The Burnie City Council first proposed the idea of a court complex in the CBD in the early 1990s. After much discussion and debate, the council eventually secured the site in 1995. 2000s: In

Timeline of Burnie Court Complex Development and Finalisation of CBD Site

Burnie, a city located in the north-west of Tasmania, is home to the Burnie Court Complex, a major development project that has been in the works for over a decade. The Burnie Court Complex is a multi-purpose facility that will house the Burnie Magistrates Court, the Burnie Supreme Court, and the Burnie District Court. The complex will also include a range of other services, such as a library, a cafe, and a public plaza. The development of the Burnie Court Complex began in 2008 when the Burnie City Council approved

Chelsea Record: Potential Increase in Marijuana Licenses Following Ordinance Change

The city of Chelsea, Massachusetts is making a major change to its marijuana ordinance that could potentially lead to an increase in the number of marijuana licenses issued. This change comes as part of the city’s effort to create a more equitable and inclusive cannabis industry. The new ordinance, which was passed by the Chelsea City Council in early 2021, eliminates the requirement that applicants for marijuana licenses must have lived in Chelsea for at least five years prior to applying. This change is intended to make it easier for

Barcelona to Impose Tax on Logistics Companies

The city of Barcelona is set to impose a new tax on logistics companies operating within its borders. This move is part of the city's efforts to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, as well as to raise revenue for the city. The tax will be levied on companies that are involved in the transportation of goods within the city. It will be based on the number of vehicles used by the company and the distance traveled by them. Companies that use more vehicles and travel greater distances will be