Wuzu Clay 制作 Zelda Polly 口袋

Wuzu Clay 制作 Zelda Polly 口袋

源节点: 2713632


Polly Pocket’s were my childhood treasures. I held them in the highest regard and did everything I could to make sure I wouldn’t misplace any of the teeny tiny accessories. Jeez, now I absolutely have to embark on an attic investigation next time I visit my childhood home. If you’re not familiar check out this video from Heather Explores. The star shaped one from 1993 was my absolute pride and joy – I mean… the ferris wheel, hot air balloon and dance floor?! Perfection.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, you know you’re in for a treat 3秒内 to Wuzu Clay’s Zelda Polly Pocket video build. Make sure you turn on the subtitles for the full experience!

Want more Zelda goodness? Don’t miss this Korok Planter timelapse!


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