

源节点: 1972563

将机器人引入仓库的最佳方法是真正了解您的工作流程需求,Brian Gaunt 加速数字化高级总监说道。 DHL供应链.

Gaunt 表示,将仓库的复杂性视为“一系列多个用例”非常重要,这需要与业内最好的供应商合作。 如今,这意味着与最优秀的机器人供应商开展业务。

As the technology has taken off in the last three or four years, there has been “tremendous” investment in the space. Caution is warranted, however. While some vendors have achieved maturity, Gaunt says, there are a lot of “up-and-comers,” who are promising but who might not have the required efficiency and flexibility. “There’s a lot to offer, but definitely there are some things to look out for,” he says. “It’s not quite as easy as just dropping in your existing process.”

Regardless of what the robotic technology brings to the warehouse, safety is always the number-one priority, Gaunt says. “We want to ensure that automation is going to be deployed in a safe manner, whether it’s a collaborative robot or an industrial robot.”

冈特说,减少上岗时间是机器人的主要优势之一。 当然,仓储行业的高流动率是很常见的,因此能够快速让操作员上手并使用该技术至关重要。 

冈特表示,DHL 部署了数千个“协作机器人”——与人类协作的机器人。 他说,因此生产率大幅提高是很常见的。

他相信,随着行业的发展,机器人将应对更多挑战。 然而,它们并不是要取代“人的因素”,而是要提高劳动力的生产力。 从这个意义上说,未来的仓库可能比以前想象的要早得多。


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