Ubisoft 现在将在每个刺客信条瓦尔哈拉补丁发布前花费更长的时间

源节点: 824741


育碧在一份声明中表示,游戏补丁的发布周期将从 XNUMX 周改为 XNUMX 周,“以允许进行更彻底的测试和改进” 详细博客更新 就此事。

“我们的社区是我们所做一切的核心,我们始终努力为您提供出色的体验,”出版商继续说道。 “也就是说,我们认识到我们最近的一些游戏更新可能没有达到您的期望或没有达到我们的标准。”


育碧一直在公开跟踪这些问题 其社区论坛上有大量帖子,它会定期更新。


The quest “In the Absence of an Ealdorman” has been a particular issue for some. In its blog, Ubisoft says:

“This quest has several different cases of issues tied to it that are conditional and can be player-specific. Therefore, you may see fixes in the patch notes that might not address your particular issue with this quest, but rest assured, we are looking into every reported instance.”

Optional side-quest Pig of Prophecy has also been bugged for some people. This will be fixed in the next update. Here’s Ubisoft again:

“Every issue is categorised based on severity, impact, and frequency. Since the Pig of Prophecy is considered side content, we’ve prioritised more impactful story progression blockers first. All that said, we have found a solution and are aiming to include it with Title Update 1.2.1 (April).”

Missing fish spawns throughout England are another long-term issue. Here, there’s cod news and bad:

“As we’ve shared, we found a potential fix at the beginning of April to populate the missing fish across England. As this solution has a direct impact on existing fauna and mechanics, we moved the full fix into June to further test and refine. However, there’ll be a partial solution with Title Update 1.2.1 (April).”

The article also gives a detailed run-down of how the bug-fixing process works on a video game, from identification to testing to first-party submission. It’s not new knowledge, by any means, but Ubisoft is clearly trying to show its working.


Looking ahead, Valhalla’s next title update is now scheduled for next Tuesday, 27th April, with its 德鲁伊之怒扩展包延迟 13月XNUMX日到期。

After that, the game’s following title update will arrive “late spring”, with its new Mastery Challenge game mode up next, also slated for “late spring”.



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