

源节点: 3069857

11 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约市纽约州最高法院出席针对特朗普组织的民事欺诈审判后向媒体发表讲话。
约翰·兰帕尔斯基 |法新社 |盖蒂图片社

顶部 法庭 周二在纽约州驳回前总统的上诉 唐纳德·特朗普禁言令 在他的民事事务中强加于他 骗局 审判。

纽约上诉法院 dismissed Trump’s challenge to the order “upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved.”

The court also dismissed Trump’s motion to stay the gag order “as academic,” likely because the trial is over.


Trump’s lawyers challenged the order as being unduly restrictive on his right to free speech.

Engoron presided over Trump’s fraud trial and is expected to soon issue a verdict in the case.

The judge imposed the gag order on Trump after the former president repeatedly criticized Engoron’s principal law clerk during the trial.

去年 5,000 月,特朗普因在发布命令后在网上发布攻击该职员的帖子而被恩戈隆处以 XNUMX 美元的罚款。


詹姆斯要求恩戈隆对特朗普处以 370 亿美元的罚款,并终身禁止他在该州从事房地产业务,并受到其他制裁。


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