

源节点: 2001987


要在线接触潜在客户,您必须建立并维护您的在线形象。做到这一点的最佳方法之一是提供信息和 有趣的内容 传达精彩的信息和清晰、吸引人的图像。您可以打赌,您将需要大量的时间和组织才能完成它。更不用说内容创意团队了。 




These are all tools you can utilize to build some kick-a** content if you're a one-man marketing machine or have a small marketing department.


  • Zery's- This tool is geared to finding writers and editors to generate content. You can choose to have both services for your content, write the content, and have it edited by a Zery’s editor or vice versa (have a Zery’s writer write the content and your team can edit).


  • canva- Canva 是一个很棒的网站如果您的时间很短并且需要制作简单(免费)的图像/视觉效果。他们的平台使文本和图像的组合变得如此简单快捷。您可以使用他们的 巨大的现成模板和资源库,同时还添加您自己的设计理念。
  • Elance- If you want another option to have content created, Elance is an excellent place to look and can easily be called a go-to content generator. It is a tool to hire freelance designers and writers. With Elance, you have the opportunity to meet creatives and hopefully gain some loyal troops to your content creation machine.


What's a good tool without a system? You can have all of the tools in the world, but without 贯穿整个流程的组织和结构,您可能会遇到一些问题。



  • 谷歌云端硬盘- 如果你有一群人在查看一个内容,你可以使用 Google Drive 让每个人都在同一页面上,从字面上看(谷歌文档、谷歌表格 和 Google图纸 are my personal favorites). Google definitely knows how to keep your content organized and is a valuable asset to take advantage of if you aren't already.
  • Adwords-AdWords 关键词规划工具, enter a word that you think would be a grand SEO fit for your website and click "Keyword Ideas." Here you have at your disposal a list of related 关键字提示, their average monthly searches and how high or low the paid ad competition is for the word. You can also use the "Get Suggestions" feature in HubSpot (if you’re a HubSpot 用户)以获得对关键字数据的类似访问。
  • 该清单- (Or something similar) Make sure you have all the details for your writers and designers. It's best to get a process going that you can copy and paste. We use a spreadsheet similar to this one to keep the entire team updated and organized while creating content. Build off of this template to meet your company and industry essentials. 点击下面免费下载.



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