这个《Elden Ring》第一人称模组当然没有放弃其愚蠢的野心

这个《Elden Ring》第一人称模组当然没有放弃其愚蠢的野心

源节点: 2564188

新的《Elden Ring》模组在将整个游戏转变为第一人称体验方面做得非常出色。 第一人称灵魂 (在新标签页中打开), created by Dakeev, even comes with a trailer that wouldn’t look out of place in your typical gaming showreel (谢谢, PCGN (在新标签页中打开)),展示了新视角下的土地和各种敌人的样子。

It’s surprising just how much this changes-up the feel of the game. Long term Fromsoft-fanciers will be especially tickled at how this echoes the King’s Field games, first-person fantasy adventures that were the forerunners to the Souls series, but what’s really impressive about Dakeev’s work is the commitment to making the perspective work. 

The mod contains tweaked gameplay mechanics, new HUD elements to assist in combat, animation head tracking, changes to the player’s movement, and lets you configure them all through an ini file and in-game. It even lets you switch in and out of first- and third-person perspectives.

It should also be compatible with most Elden Ring mods, though, as is always the case, you won’t be able to play it online (unless you also install LukeYui 的无缝合作模式 (在新标签页中打开)). The exceptions are those mods that also do something to mess with the game’s perspective which understandably would screw with this.

发布仅一年多时间, 《Elden Ring》中玩家死亡的次数比地球上的人口还要多 (在新标签页中打开), and FromSoft’s trophy cabinet must be groaning under the weight of all those 年度游戏奖 (在新标签页中打开)。那个时候模组制作者们一直在欢乐地玩耍,从 生病的自定义动作 (在新标签页中打开)只是把它变成霍格沃茨遗产 (在新标签页中打开) (是的, of course there’s a Thomas the Tank Engine one (在新标签页中打开)). The year’s big news so far is the official confirmation of an expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, which hasn’t been dated or detailed yet: Though that doesn’t stop us speculating about it (在新标签页中打开).


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