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Pitching Sessions are must-use opportunities for founders of Web3 startups seeking venture capital investment. It is a great chance for founders to present their project and product to potential investors, receive valuable feedback, attract investors' interest, and, ideally, get funded. But to succeed, it is important to understand the unspoken pitch rules and how to effectively communicate the value and big potential of a startup.

Of course, any pitching in front of investors is mildly exciting and unsettling for founders. However, it's important to remember that while the focus is on pitching, how you present yourself and your startup can have a huge impact on the outcome of the pitch meeting.


如何准备Pitching Session?


在准备 Pitching Session 时,初创公司创始人应该做一些研究,找出什么样的投资者或 VC 基金将参加此次活动,特别是如果会议计划在线进行。

找出他们正在投资哪些公司,以及这些初创公司与您的项目之间是否有任何共同点。 写下这些事实并尝试在问答环节中提及它们:告诉他们您的商业模式如何比这些初创公司更好,或者您是否与他们建立了增值合作伙伴关系。 如果初创公司创始人以这种方式完成他或她的“功课”,它将更有可能被潜在投资者注意到和记住。


非常重要的一点是,您的演讲必须遵循清晰、合乎逻辑的结构和因果关系。 它应该代表您正在攀登的台阶。 这将节省时间,使您的想法更有条理,并有助于从文本中去除所有多余的水分。

Don't memorize the text by heart.

在推介日之前,给自己一些时间来计划你的演讲。 尝试将一个想法“打包”到一个段落中。 并尝试用您自己的话讲述演示文稿的精髓。

Anticipate investors' questions on a Q&A part.

提前研究加密货币和 web3 风投 可能会问 Web3 初创公司。 提出最重要的 10-15 个问题,并用一两个句子来回答它们。


关键图像是一种隐喻,投资者随后会将其与您的项目联系起来的想法。 在您的推销平台上添加一张图片,让您的创业公司令人难忘。


Don't be afraid to repeat the main point.

A person can remember 10-15% of what you said. So, don't be afraid to repeat at the beginning, middle, and end of the pitching process the key points that distinguish your project from others.

在第一个 20 秒捕手中赢得关注。

In the first 20 seconds, investors' attention will be fully focused on you, so it is important to say a catchy and striking phrase that will impress them. These 20 seconds should be the start of a further interesting story about the project and its opportunities.


在你的推销中不仅要包括幻灯片演示,还要包括你谈论你的项目的视频。 尝试制作一个预告片,尽可能轻松、不拘束地用简单的语言谈论您的初创公司、它与竞争对手的差异以及它的优势。


The biggest problem founders have is talking during the pitch about the importance and relevance of the project and completely ignoring how their vision will be implemented. That's why it's crucial to focus on the practical aspects of the presentation.


说出是什么让您的创业公司变得有趣,以及它与竞争对手有何不同,这一点非常重要。 概述最重要的要点和您拥有的主要优势。 它可以是您团队的专业经验和丰富的行业专业知识、创新的商业模式或产品,或者是针对紧迫的消费者问题的新解决方案。

Don't abuse numbers.

A lot of people don't take numbers very well by ear. Try to put basic information related to budgets, expenses, and other numbers on the pitch deck slides.


如果投资者问了一个你不想在更广泛的观众面前讨论的问题,你可以说出一些投资者感兴趣的非机密事实,然后加上一句“我很乐意为你提供更多细节”在个人谈话中的推介会后关于我们的项目!»。 这可能是将您的联系提升到一个新水平并开始建立投资者关系的好方法

If you don't know the answer to a question, don't lie.

If you don't know what to say, be honest and say that you're still figuring out how to solve this problem. A Pitching Session is not an exam where there is a right pre-defined answer for everything. And remember: many investors will appreciate your honest and straightforward answers.

In conclusion, it's worth saying that understanding the unspoken rules of Pitching Sessions can play a crucial role in getting funding for your startup. Though not all startups will probably get funding at the first attempt, it's important to understand that a pitching session is a huge «mirror», in which you will see the reflection of your project and the first «distortions» that may occur. This will allow you to adjust the initial data: if you see that some ideas, theses, or techniques are not perceived quite correctly by potential investors, try to reformulate them or create a new pitch in a completely different format. This experience will make your Web3 startup stronger anyway and allow it to become a successful endeavor.





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