

源节点: 2650074

12 月 2 日,比特币价格跌至 XNUMX 个月低点。

比特币(BTC) shortly slumped to $26,160, a figure it hasn’t seen since mid-March.

Bitcoin’s value has 自10月6日以来暴跌XNUMX%, breaking away from the rising trend we’ve seen in traditional risk assets, such as Nasdaq.



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Astronaut Capital’s chief investment officer (CIO), 马修·迪布(Matthew Dibb)认为,流动性缺乏可能帮助少数卖家压低了价格,注意到:

There seems to be ‘paper thin’ liquidity right now, even across majors such as BTC. While we can’t point at a direct reason for the weakness, any medium to large offers are driving the market down.

最近看到一个 大型加密货币交易所的流动性状况恶化,如 Binance, 使得交易者很难在不影响价格的情况下执行大额订单.

加密货币交易公司 TDX Strategies 创始人兼首席执行官 Dick Lo 认为 downturn in traditional risk assets could speed up Bitcoin’s descent.

如果美国股市也开始翻转,我们可能会加速下行。 25,200 美元是 BTC 的关键支撑位,其次是 23,100 美元,可能会加速下行。

然而,Lo 确实给了比特币一条生命线,表明 如果价格升至 28,500 美元以上,看涨波动可能会恢复.

正如一些目光敏锐的分析师上周指出的那样, Bitcoin’s descent has potentially paved the way for a steeper drop,下一个支撑区域在 25,000 美元关口附近。

随着比特币价格的下跌,加密货币恐惧和贪婪指数也下跌了 下降 显著。 Since April 17th, the index has been softly landing at its current destination of 49, showing a “neutral” market sentiment among crypto investors.

BitDegree 加密恐惧与贪婪指数

The Bitcoin market is in a fascinating phase, showing us that even the mightiest can falter. Yet, this isn’t the end of the road for Bitcoin; it’s merely a hurdle in its long, winding path.

在撰写本文时,比特币 (BTC) 零售 美元26,374.37,记录一个 价格下降 4.04% 在过去的24小时里。


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