最漂亮的泰坦尼克号将于 5 月 XNUMX 日上映

最漂亮的泰坦尼克号将于 5 月 XNUMX 日上映

源节点: 2938533

如果您错过了重制版 詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron) 泰坦尼克号 during its return to theaters in early 2023, you can check it out at home when the long-awaited 4K Blu-ray version arrives on Dec. 5. The two-disc set that includes the film on 4K disc, a digital code, plus a standard Blu-ray full of special features is available for pre-order at Amazon for $37.99.

For the A/V buffs out there, this film offers Dolby Vision and HDR10 support in 4K Blu-ray players that are compatible with those formats, and the audio presentation can take advantage of Dolby Atmos directional audio systems.

有一个收藏版 泰坦尼克号 4K 蓝光套装即将推出 Blu-ray.com,但零售商尚未发布购物链接。 到目前为止我在 网站的论坛 indicate it’ll be the one that real fans should opt for. In addition to the discs, it includes snapshots from the set, sheet music, mock tickets to ride aboard the Titanic, and more. I’ll update this post once I hear more about how much it’ll cost, and when you can get it.


更多来自 Polygon