

源节点: 1773344



将于 XNUMX 月接任美国众议院金融服务委员会主席的帕特里克·麦克亨利 (Patrick McHenry) 已要求美国财政部推迟实施基础设施投资和就业法案中涉及数字资产征税的条款.

14 月 80603 日,一封包含有关该法案第 XNUMX 条范围的问题和疑虑的信被送达至 耶伦,谁是美国财政部长。 这封信是麦克​​亨利寄来的。

In the letter, he asked for clarification on a section of the bill that deals with the taxation of digital assets and is scheduled to go into effect in 2023. He stated that the section was poorly written and could put people's privacy at risk.

据他介绍,该条款要求政府将数字资产视为等同于税收的货币。 这可能会使美国公民的隐私受到威胁,并对创新产生负面影响。

In accordance with the requirements outlined in the section of the tax code titled - Information Reporting for Brokers and Digital Assets, brokers are obligated to report specific information regarding their transactions involving digital assets to the Internal Revenue Service. This information must be provided in a specific format (IRS).

该法案中有一项规定,要求任何从事商业或业务的个人或公司向国税局披露价值超过 10,000 美元的任何数字资产交易。 10,000 美元是为此要求必须报告的最低金额。

今年年初,专注于区块链技术的非营利性倡导组织 Coin Center 对这一要求提出了质疑。 该组织已对财政部采取法律行动,在他们的投诉中辩称,该法规将使美国人受到广泛的监视计划。

On Twitter, Senator Rob Portman shared a letter from Jonathan Davies, the United States Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, which stated that parties such as cryptocurrency miners and stakers are not subject to the new law. Portman is the one who actually mailed Davies' letter

At the end of his letter, McHenry requested that the Treasury publish the regulations outlined in the section as quickly as possible and push back the effective date of the section in order to allow "market players" more time to comply with any additional obligations that may arise.

这是今年以来麦克亨利给耶伦的第二封信件。 26 月 XNUMX 日,她收到他的一封信,他在信中敦促财政部长对经纪人的定义做出更多澄清。


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