

源节点: 1986243

总决赛 is the upcoming multiplayer shooter from Embark, a new development studio composed of ex-members of EA's DICE Studios, known for their work on the Battlefield series of games. Embark previously announced another multiplayer game, Arc Raiders, in 2021, but pivoted to focusing on The Finals, which is releasing soon.

The Finals 是一款具有独特前提的竞技多人射击游戏:四支由三名参赛者组成的队伍被载入一场虚拟游戏节目,并负责夺取一盒代币,以便通过回合晋级并进入名义上的决赛。 游戏公式的另一个关键是破坏的粒度级别,允许玩家炸毁墙壁并夷平整个建筑物。 游戏使用 服务器端销毁 to ensure a smooth and bombastic gameplay experience - minimizing lag.

总决赛没有确定的发布日期,但它的 Steam says it is "Coming Soon." The game's Discord 常见问题 表示将在游戏接近完成状态时公布发布日期。 与此同时,玩家将有机会在本月晚些时候进行的 Beta 测试中尽早体验这款游戏。

The Finals is shaping up to be a unique take on the multiplayer shooter formula, combining extraction gameplay that's all the rage with the fast-pace arcade-like feel of Battlefield games, complete with elevated levels of destruction.
