

源节点: 2755608

Sega will keep its biggest franchises free from third-party blockchain gaming projects, but won’t keep its smaller series away fron the technology.

该公司还仍然致力于投资区块链和 Web3,但搁置了区块链游戏的内部开发计划。

Sega co-chief operating officer Shuji Utsumi revealed the company’s strategy in an interview with 彭博.

新闻广播:本周最大的头条新闻来自 FTC 与 Microsoft。在YouTube上观看

世嘉首席执行官 Haruki Satomi 此前曾宣布该公司 因负面反应而放弃 NFT 计划 来自游戏玩家。商标申请 世嘉 NFT were spotted shortly after Satomi’s statement.

Utsumi told Bloomberg the company won’t involve its largest franchises in third-party blockchain projects “to avoid devaluing its content”, but it does have plans to let “external partners” use characters from Three Kingdoms and Virtua Fighter for NFTs.

Both the dwindling crypto market and “boring” gameplay look to be to blame for the shift in Sega’s attitude. “The action in play-to-earn games is boring. What’s the point if games are no fun?” Utsumi said to Bloomberg.

彭博社询问内海是否计划将 NFT 或区块链纳入其产品中 《超级游戏》, a global title currently in development which aims to attract streamers, and Bloomberg stated Utsumi was “non-committal”. Bloomberg reported that Sega “remains open” to involving more blockchain technology in its games as the technology matures.

Sega will continue to invest up to hundreds of millions of yen into “related projects”, Utsumi told Bloomberg.

世嘉是担任 Oasys 区块链验证者的几家游戏公司之一,其他知名公司也加入其中,包括 史克威尔艾尼克斯、育碧和万代南梦宫. 育碧宣布推出首款区块链游戏 上周,它将在 Oasys 上发布。


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