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PlayStation 5 是美国历史上最畅销的游戏机。

根据市场研究机构 NPD 的数据,索尼的游戏机无论是单位销售额还是美元销售额,都是美国有史以来销售速度最快的游戏机。 那是在市场上五个月的终身销售。

Eurogamer 新闻演员:PS5 迫切需要的改进

PS5 全球售出 4.5 万台 2020 年。7.6 月份,索尼表示,到 5 年 31 月 2021 日,它有望售出超过 XNUMX 万台 PSXNUMX。

It’s a remarkable success for the supply-constrained PS5, which Sony launched amid the pandemic. PS5 供不应求,并且在许多遇到麻烦的零售商中,它仍然缺货 “黄牛” 和机器人。

The Nintendo Switch continues to sell remarkably well, too. NPD’s executive director Mat Piscatella tweeted to say the Nintendo Switch was the best-selling hardware platform in both units and dollars during the month of March.

今年第一季度,任天堂 Switch 成为美国销量冠军,而 PS5 则在美国硬件销量上排名第一。

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What’s next for Sony? It aims to sell more than 14.8m PS5s in its current fiscal year ending 31st March 2022, which would be more than the number of PS4s shipped during its second year. But the company is facing a chip shortage that could hamper manufacturing.

“We expect PS5’s high demand to continue into next fiscal year and will do our best to meet that demand,” Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki said in February.

“We will make efforts to secure enough materials.”

资料来源: sell-console-in-us-history


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