保罗皮尔斯以 1.4 万美元与 SEC 达成和解

保罗皮尔斯以 1.4 万美元与 SEC 达成和解

源节点: 1965683

一位名叫保罗皮尔斯的前 NBA 球员因涉嫌在社交媒体上推广加密货币代币项目而与美国证券交易委员会达成 1.4 万美元的和解。

Pierce is accused of promoting EthereumMax (EMAX) tokens via social media platforms without revealing that he had received money for the promotion and of making "false and misleading representations" about the project, according to an announcement released by the SEC on February 17. In addition to his publishing posts on Twitter that reportedly showed incorrect information regarding revenues, promoters allegedly paid the former NBA great 244,000 worth of EMAX, as stated by the SEC.

过去,金融市场监管机构反对推销 EthereumMax 代币的名人。 皮尔斯被指控未能披露支付 250,000 美元用于在她的 Instagram 上发布一篇推广 EMAX 代币的故事。 2022 年 1.2 月,SEC 宣布已与 Kim Kardashian 就与 Pierce 面临的指控非常相似的指控达成 XNUMX 万美元的和解。

SEC Chair Gary Gensler stated that "this case is yet another reminder to celebrities: The law requires you to disclose to the public from whom and how much you are getting paid to promote investment in securities, and you can't lie to investors when you tout a security." "This case is yet another reminder to celebrities that the law requires you to disclose to the public from whom and how much you are getting paid to promote investment in securities," "When celebrities advocate investment options, including crypto asset securities, investors should be cautious to do research to see whether the investments are suited for them, and they should be aware of the reasons why celebrities are making such recommendations,"


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