超过 300 亿个 Arbitrum ARB 代币被认领; 价格暴跌90%

超过 300 亿个 Arbitrum ARB 代币被认领; 价格暴跌90%

源节点: 2535627


CoinDesk 共识CoinDesk 共识

Arbitrum’s newly airdropped token ARB price dropped by around 90% to $1.20 as investors rapidly dumped their token, according to CryptoSlate的 数据。

During the first hour of its claim, the ARB token traded for $3.99 on decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap and above $5 on centralized exchanges like KuCoin, Kraken, and OKX. During the period, the token’s trading volume was over $20 million, according to 壁虎

链上侦探 Lookonchain 确定 一位出售的交易员 800 ARB 价格超过 3,600 美元——这意味着该交易者的平均价格超过 4 美元。这位加密货币分析师补充说,这“可能是最高的售价”。

随着越来越多符合资格的用户领取空投,预计 ARB 价格在领取空投的早期时间将会波动。

Arbitrum 的网站短暂崩溃

Arbtrum 的网站在服务器负载过重的情况下暂时崩溃了,因为数千人同时试图领取空投。

二层网络在宣布空投时就已经预料到了这个问题。该项目提醒符合条件的用户,他们还有六个月的时间来领取代币。 “汽油费将相当高,并且服务器将会拥堵,”它补充道。



超过 300 亿枚代币已被认领

Blockchain analytical firm Nansen’s XNUMX月XNUMX日 shows that over 160,000 addresses have claimed ov呃300亿 截至发稿时 ARB 代币。这代表 27%的空投供给给个人网络用户。

已领取 Arbitrum 代币已领取 Arbitrum 代币
已领取 Arbitrum 代币(来源:Nansen)

The popular layer2 solution had seen an 上扬 in its number of transactions and addresses as the community anticipated the arrival of its ARB token.


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