

源节点: 1918720

Life is filled with paths not taken. Careers unpursued, loves unrequited, games based on massive media properties unmade. Games like Obsidian’s take on Rick and Morty, for instance, which studio boss Fergus Urquhart casually mentioned was planned by the company during a recent interview with NME (在新标签页中打开).

令人沮丧的是,采访本身没有详细说明这款游戏的具体内容,但我们确实知道它最终被搁置了一次 黑曜石被微软收购 (在新标签页中打开) 这是该工作室希望转化为游戏的众多大型许可之一。该工作室还推出了一款《行尸走肉》角色扮演游戏和一款基于真人秀的游戏 警察 (在新标签页中打开) before Microsoft scooped it up, although publishers “couldn’t get their heads around” that last one. In another interview, we even heard that the studio had plans for a game based on James Cameron’s Avatar (在新标签页中打开).

I’m going to imagine that whatever Obsidian had in mind for Rick and Morty, it would have been somewhat close to the work it did on 南方公园:真相的棍子: A parodic RPG that recreated the art style of its source material to capture the vibe of the show. It’s probably for the best that it didn’t come to pass, though, given the imbroglio that now surrounds series creator 贾斯汀·罗伊兰 (Justin Roiland) 被指控犯有家庭暴力重罪 (在新标签页中打开)以及2020年的非法监禁。

If anything, Urquhart’s tales of Obsidian’s stalled projects only serve to highlight just how much the studio has changed in the last few years. It used to be a kind of mercenary studio, picking up other people’s series—Star Wars, Fallout, South Park, and so on—and making some incredibly good (some might say the best) games with them. Its attempts to kickstart its own properties never really took off, as 暴政 (在新标签页中打开)阿尔法协议 (在新标签页中打开) 可以证明(即使这两款游戏都很出色)。

But now the company has more series of its own than you can count, and they’re well-regarded too. Obsidian doesn’t have to pitch games set in other people’s worlds when it can do whatever it wants with the likes of Grounded, Avowed (based in Pillars of Eternity’s world of Eora), The Outer Worlds, and Pentiment. Even though two of those games aren’t classic Obsidian-style RPGs, Urquhart told NME that he doesn’t feel like he’s “being restricted” by Microsoft, and that the company’s still doing “all the crazy stuff [it’s] always done”. But it’s clear that the studio’s recent success has given it room to experiment, and with things it actually owns to boot.

Still, Fallout: New Vegas 2 wouldn’t go amiss. Just saying.


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