MTG March of the Machine 标准战斗套牌,策略

MTG March of the Machine 标准战斗套牌,策略

源节点: 2597336

魔术:聚会的 最新系列《机器进行曲》于本周二登陆数字平台。现在该系列已经在 MTG Arena 上架几天了,玩家们有一些时间来尝试新卡牌并形成新的卡牌。 策略, including those surrounding the new Battle card type. Here’s a Standard deck that uses Battles extensively.

Battles are a brand-new card type that were added to Magic with the release of March of the Machine. The current crop of Battles, with the subtype Siege, enter the battlefield under the protection of an opponent. When the Battle is defeated by removing all of its defense counters, it’s controller gets an additional bonus in the form of a free spell.

策略:第 1 部分

Jund(黑、红、绿)套牌中最重要的牌是战斗。总共有 18 个,考虑到牌组中缺乏击败它们的生物,这似乎是不明智的,但这套牌具有多种在战斗之外翻转战斗的方法。 雷加萨的入侵例如,当另一场战斗进入战场时,可以对其造成 4 点伤害,并移除 1 个防御力的生物。 阿兹戈尔的入侵入侵依尼翠 可用于移除敌方生物,同时 菲奥娜的入侵 可以歼灭整个战场。最后, 依夏兰入侵 可用于寻找新的战斗或所需的土地,同时还提供了强大的生物。

格丽莎·逐日者 是这套牌的绝佳生物。她的先攻和死触能力意味着她在战斗中永远不会被其他生物伤害,除非他们也有先攻,每当她攻击对手时,她都可以激活各种能力,包括从任何永久物中移除三个指示物,例如战斗。

预兆追踪器 isn’t a very flashy Creature but he can be used to produce mana by untapping lands, as well as interact with Battles. 雷击 是一种有用的伤害法术,可用于快速击败战斗、移除敌方生物或直接击败对手。

策略:第 2 部分

渲染惰性 Nahiri’s Warcrafting are critical to this deck. These can remove five Defense counters from a Battle – note that none of the ones included in this deck have more than that amount. Nahiri’s 魔兽争霸 也可用于移除敌方生物或鹏洛客,甚至可以施展额外法术。惰性渲染会替换自身,也可用于移除鹏洛客和其他有害指示物。

Lastly, because this is a three-color deck, it uses many Rare lands, which may prove difficult to acquire for free-to-play players. These two- and three-color lands allow you to cast spells on time every turn. Players who don’t have access to these lands may substitute them with cards like 不断演变的荒野,但这些会稍微减慢牌组的速度。

