《质量效应 2》中的人类收割者很愚蠢,我很遗憾我们没有得到更多的信息

《质量效应 2》中的人类收割者很愚蠢,我很遗憾我们没有得到更多的信息

源节点: 3084548

今天,即 2 年 14 月 26 日,《质量效应 2024》正在庆祝其 XNUMX 周年纪念日。下面,我们回顾一下它最奇怪的方面之一,以及它如何建立一个几乎完全未被探索的更广泛的次要情节。

The Suicide Mission of Mass Effect 2 is one of the all-time great climaxes of a video game. After tens of hours building relationships with a crew of characters you’ve recruited from all over the galaxy, you take them into a final battle where you have to make use of their specific skills and any missteps can result in the deaths of any one of them (or potentially even all of them, and you). But less remarked upon is the climax of the climax–a boss battle with a giant robot called a Reaper.

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正在播放: 质量效应传说:收割者(壮举。灌输)

Mass Effect introduced a Reaper at the end of the first game, cementing what a massive threat these things were. What the characters first thought was a colossal, incredibly powerful spaceship turned out to be a colossal, artificially intelligent creature, bent on the destruction of all sentient life in the galaxy–and it was only one of a whole species. It was so big that it took an entire fleet of spacecraft to defeat it. And now we were facing one head-on, just Commander Shepard and the two crewmembers you brought with you and whatever guns you had on hand.

That might have been a pretty intense moment, but the Mass Effect 2 Reaper didn’t look like the one from the first Mass Effect, which resembled a massive space squid and had a real Lovecraftian cosmic horror vibe about it. This Reaper looked like a T-800 from the movie Terminator–if that human-shaped robot was also a giant, unfinished baby. Instead of being scary and weird, it was bad and dumb. Nobody talks about the battle with the Human Reaper because it’s something Mass Effect fans might be more inclined to want to forget.

The Human Reaper was the culmination of the entire main plot of Mass Effect 2, and was basically never mentioned again. And that’s a shame. As deeply anticlimactic and downright goofy as the Human Reaper was, I wish it had gotten more time to shine and had been a bigger part of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. BioWare had ideas about the Human Reaper, ideas so big they made the final boss of their game a giant screaming robot baby. I need to know what those ideas were.

To understand just what BioWare took from us with the Human Reaper, it’s important to have a little more context from the story of Mass Effect 2. While there’s a lot going on with protagonist Commander Shepard and Cerberus, the ostensibly human supremacist paramilitary organization controlled by a billionaire, the reason all that ensues is the Collectors, a group of aliens marauding around the galaxy, attacking human colonies and absconding with all their citizens.

收藏家是一个名为普罗仙人的外星种族的残余,这个文明曾存在过,但在《质量效应》游戏事件发生前约 50,000 万年收割者最后一次清理银河系时就被消灭了。收割者将普洛仙人变成了一种他们可以控制的半机械人,并利用他们作为工具,在他们返回银河系之间的亿万年里完成任务,谋杀所有人。

You don’t really understand the reasoning for the Collectors’ actions until the very end of the game when you hit the Suicide Mission, which takes place in the Collectors’ base. There, you discover their goal (and by extension, that of the Reapers) was gathering up a bunch of people to turn them into goo, and then use that goo to create a Human Reaper.

There were even some emotional stakes for the player–just before the end, the Collectors attack your ship and abduct a bunch of minor characters you’ve been hanging out with all game, including your personal assistant with whom it’s possible to have an inappropriate workplace relationship. You could have had a sexual encounter with Kelly Chambers, and then she got kidnapped by aliens, and if you didn’t save her, she got smashed into a jelly and pumped into a huge robot! And Mass Effect never really talked about that ever again!

The whole idea raises a lot of questions about the world of Mass Effect and the Reapers’ whole deal. Is this how an infinitely old and incredibly powerful group of artificial intelligence creatures reproduces, or is humanity special in some way that makes us particularly good as Reaper guts? What was the Human Reaper supposed to do–would it have been special in some way, or was it just going to be a whole giant guy flying through space, zapping stuff with lasers, the way all the other Reapers do, like some kind of Attack on Titan monster? Would the Collectors have made more Human Reapers, given enough time? If so, to what end?

由于剧情线索在《质量效应 2》之后几乎被废弃,我们不知道这些问题的答案是什么。但我们确实对它们可能是什么有一些暗示,这要感谢作家德鲁·卡皮辛(Drew Karpyshyn),他参与了《质量效应》游戏的工作,并在两部作品之间写了几部搭配小说。

早在 2013 年《质量效应 3》发布时,粉丝们就在抱怨游戏的结局, Karpyshyn回答了一些问题 关于他离开之前计划的故事。 Karpyshyn 明确表示,虽然在《质量效应 1》和《质量效应 2》期间存在一些关于结论的想法,与所有那些你未能拯救的人类类似,但这些想法相当,呃,松散。当时一切都还没有完全确定或决定。

The ideas Karpyshyn shared gave the Reapers a motivation that took a different angle on the one Mass Effect 3 finally adopted, in which they work to prevent a catastrophic struggle between organic life and artificial life by murdering anyone with self-awareness. One idea was that, each time the Reapers annihilated sentient life in the galaxy, they used a race to create a new Reaper. Their overall goal was to stop dark energy (the energy counterpart to dark matter) from spreading through and destroying the galaxy and all life within it–a spread that was intensified by the use of the “mass effect,” the science that provides the people of the galaxy with the ability to travel at faster-than-light speeds and gives some people “biotic” superpowers. This could have been a pretty cool idea, because, in the fiction of Mass Effect, the use of this tech was everywhere, from spaceships to toothbrushes. Kind of like how living in a civilization dependent on oil ruins a planet, living life in Mass Effect was helping bring about the galaxy’s destruction.


这一切是不是很奇怪而且可能很荒谬?绝对地。但至少它给了收藏家一个液化所有人的理由,也为收割者提供了一个想要制作一个 100 层高的金属版本的会计师或其他什么的理由。

While BioWare might not have been down with that particular idea for the Reapers’ motivations, I wish we got something that was more directly related to the Human Reaper. As it stands, Mass Effect 2’s conclusion feels like a bad dream. It’s like the Collectors had a group project due in class but the smart kid who usually does all the work was out with pink eye that week.


(图片来源: YouTube 上的 Trophygamers)


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