

源节点: 1894961

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 已与构建第 1 层区块链 Avalanche 的公司 Ava Labs 建立合作伙伴关系,以帮助在企业、机构和政府之间扩大区块链的采用。

AWS 副总裁兼全球初创公司负责人霍华德赖特被引述说“web3 和区块链是不可避免的”,并补充说没有人知道该技术何时会成为主流,但“我们之前已经看到了增长周期。”

该合作伙伴关系将使个人更容易在 Avalanche 网络上启动和管理节点,同时旨在加强网络并提高开发人员的灵活性。

AWS will provide support for Avalanche's infrastructure and dApp ecosystem through its marketplace, including one-click node deployments. Additionally, Ava Labs will also join the AWS Activate program, which assists startups and early-stage entrepreneurs in getting started on the AWS platform.

Ava Labs intends to make its Subnet deployment available as a managed service on the AWS marketplace, allowing both individuals and institutions to easily launch custom Subnets. These Subnets are a part of Avalanche's scaling solution and allow traffic to be diverted away from the main blockchain, enabling projects to stake AVAX and create their own layer-1 or layer-2 blockchains.

Ava Labs 还成为 AWS 合作伙伴网络 (APN) 的成员,使其能够与 100,000 多个国家/地区的 150 多个合作伙伴一起在 AWS 上部署其产品。


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