
源节点: 1878420

飓风艾达登陆三天后, 大约 2 万人仍然没有电 在路易斯安那州和密西西比州。即使是关键设施,包括 新奥尔良的污水泵路易斯安那州南部乡村的一家医院,已经看到停电。这些事件和其他事件凸显了我们的文明对电力的依赖程度。对于医院来说,能否获得电力可能是生死攸关的问题。


“We can’t keep rebuilding this same 20th-century grid and expecting it to work under 21st-century conditions,” notes Logan Burke, executive director of the Alliance for Affordable Energy, a ratepayer and clean energy advocacy organization based in New Orleans.

There is a lot that can be learned from places that have solved these problems. From U.S. military bases in Afghanistan to The Bahamas, solar- and battery-powered microgrids have proven that they can provide a higher level of resilience, including during major disasters. These can complement approaches such as “hardening” of existing transmission and distribution assets, and often provide resilience at a lower cost than burying power lines.


如果说美国有哪个组织率先使用了微电网,那就是美国军方。截至 2018 年,美国从科德角到圣地亚哥的基地拥有约两打微电网,还有十多个正在开发中。这是对国防部优先事项的回应,国防部将极端天气事件中的断电描述为 “unacceptable impact.”

我们不能继续重建同一个 20 世纪的电网,并期望它能够在 21 世纪的条件下运行。

通过电子实验室, RMI 还与美国海军合作 探索微电网在军事基地的应用。尽管许多军事微电网都是依靠化石燃料发电运行,但美国国防界越来越多地使用化石燃料发电。 转向可再生能源。不仅军方坦言 气候变化对国家安全构成的危险,但它也发现了可再生能源的一个关键优势:太阳能电池板和电池不需要提供燃料。

特别是,在战斗情况下,拥有安全且独立的电源是重中之重。 燃料输送可能是一个关键漏洞, 因为它是 在阿富汗战争中。但它们在灾难情况下也很重要,因为灾难情况可能会中断燃料供应。




然而,在加勒比地区,仅安装太阳能光伏阵列并期望其能够在大风暴中幸存下来也是不够的。 2017年,飓风“玛丽亚”和“艾尔玛”损坏了圣克罗伊岛、圣托马斯和波多黎各的一些太阳能发电厂,而波多黎各和安提瓜岛的其他发电厂尽管遭受了大风,但仍然幸存。

RMI has used lessons from the solar arrays that survived these and other storms to publish our first “Solar under Storm” report in 2018. This groundbreaking report details how to install solar PV systems in ways that allow them to resist major storms, so that they can provide power when residents need it most. Since the publication of “Solar under Storm,” 这些原则已在整个加勒比海地区得到应用,包括巴哈马群岛、蒙特塞拉特岛和格林纳丁斯群岛的三个太阳能电池阵列。




当地人并没有忽视对更具弹性的电力系统的需求。平价能源联盟是一直在推动更具弹性解决方案的当地组织之一。该组织已委托 分布式能源效益研究,例如太阳能和电池存储,以帮助新奥尔良在灾难期间保持照明。

Alliance Executive Director Logan Burke notes that besides not running out of fuel, there are other advantages to using renewable energy over the portable generators that are routine for hospitals and other critical facilities. “There’s a difference between systems that we build for just emergencies and systems that are Swiss Army knives, like the solar and battery systems that can be useful year-round,” explains Burke.

尽管该联盟提出了强有力的理由,但市级和州级监管机构以及国家公用事业公司却一再错过对此采取行动的机会。相反,公用事业公司继续修复相同的架空线路,甚至进一步投资天然气工厂,例如新奥尔良东部的天然气工厂——该工厂在飓风“艾达”和“飓风”期间尤其失败。 恢复运营所需的电网电力.

对于路易斯安那州数百万没有电的人来说,可能需要几周的时间才能部署电力,而那些没有或买不起发电机的居民在没有空调的情况下苦苦挣扎。 热量已达到 90 华氏度以上.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We have proven that there are ways to provide clean power to critical facilities, even during extreme events — whether at military bases, in the Caribbean or in the Gulf South. This belief in the potential of a better system is articulated in the slogan of the Alliance for Affordable Energy: “Solutions Exist.” But for these solutions to be deployed, regulators will need to show vision and political will.

注:作者于 2008 年至 2010 年期间是平价能源联盟的员工。



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