

源节点: 3067396
2024 年 1 月 17 日

(Nanowerk新闻)科学家们开发了一种创新的新设备,可以利用雨滴和风的能量,将其转化为可用的电力来为电子设备供电。这项技术在发表于 ACS可持续化学与工程 (“Multisource Energy Harvester on Textile and Plants for Clean Energy Generation from Wind and Rainwater Droplets”),提供了一种利用可再生环境资源发电的可持续方式。它可以帮助实现由传感器、数据发射器和其他电子元件组成的自供电网络。 物联网(IOT)。研究人员正在探索从阳光、振动、热差和其他来源收集环境能量的各种方法。然而,大多数人都专注于不能持续可用的单一能源类型。这项新研究展示了一种集成系统,将雨滴能量收集器与风能收集器相结合,以实现更可靠的发电。东北大学首席研究员 Ravinder Dahiya 表示:“我们迫切需要分布式、清洁和可持续的能源解决方案,为智能基础设施和环境监测所需的传感器网络提供动力。” “我们开发的受树叶启发的设备可以有效地利用风和雨滴中的能量,在任何地方产生可用的电力。随着进一步的发展,利用这项技术的人造树可以用来被动地产生可再生能源。”新系统采用专门的 纳米发电机 其中一层旨在捕获落下的雨滴的能量,另一层旨在利用风力。这两层均由可持续纺织材料制成,并经过先进的纳米涂层处理,以增强电力输出。 人造叶形多源能量发生器示意图 Schematic image of artificial leaf-shaped multisource energy generator. (© ACS) The droplet energy harvesting functionality works via a mechanism called the triboelectric effect combined with a self-restoring hydrophobic surface coating. Essentially, the kinetic energy of falling droplets causes positive and negative charges to form on separate electrodes. The water-repelling coating makes the droplets spread out and contract cyclically on impact, shuttling electrons back and forth to generate current. The wind harvesting layer operates by a similar principle, but charges are generated by contact electrification between two textile layers as air currents cause them to repeatedly touch and separate. Integrating the two nanogenerators allows the device to passively produce electricity from whatever ambient mechanical energy is available at a given time. In testing, the hybrid textile nanogenerators produced voltage spikes over 100V from simulated raindrops, along with sustained outputs over 10V from light winds. This was enough power to light up arrays of LEDs and charge energy storage capacitors. The researchers also developed an analytical model to optimize design parameters such as droplet size, impact velocity, contact pressure and surface textures. “The presented leaf-shaped harvesters effectively integrate triboelectric and droplet-based electricity generation mechanisms to scavenge multiple ambient energies,” stated Dr. Dahiya. “Both the modeled and measured outputs indicate they could reliably power sensors, data transmission circuits and other electronics needing up to tens of microwatts.” Significantly, all active materials are sustainable, biodegradable textiles and nanostructured coatings. In contrast with lithium batteries, there are no toxic components to dispose of. This makes the technology especially promising for distributed generator networks in environments where maintaining infrastructure is difficult. The authors envision enhancements such as hydrophobicity-optimized “power leaves” that could be incorporated into artificial plants and deployed anywhere for continuous passive generation of useful electricity. Arrays of such plants could for instance provide trickle charging to keep battery-powered IoT devices perpetually operational.
More broadly, this study demonstrates how applied nanoscience can create self-powered systems that solve pressing problems. It shows that materials and devices can do far more than passively behave—they can actively transform ambient energy into precisely what is needed, all without external power. Such technologies point the way toward smarter, more adaptive and more sustainable infrastructure for meeting future challenges.


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